Friday, November 16, 2012

The Third trip to Dubai -

So, back to reality in time and space check; like what next? This morning i booked a Bus seat for Putra Jaya where i hope my daughter will meet me and put me up at her place for a day or two before I am booked on the flight to Dubai. Yes! back to Dubai to seek whatever it is that is in store for me as an artist. Penang or even Malaysia is dry, it seems like no luck whatsoever in making a dime here and one has to settle for the starving artist routine. I hope Dubai will be a little more rewarding as far my artworks are concern; but then again past experience has not really been that great either.
Oh well cant be thinking too much in terms of financial benefits even if it seems like it is all there is to think about in this day and age; it is a bloody shame.So I am setting my mind on a higher vision than just matting out a living  I will try to get a little spiritual as well as adventurous experience slated into my slot while being there. I know I will have to make some drastic moves in order to make things happen and not just sit on my hands and allow for things to happen. I may be getting old but that does not mean that my brain has petrified and my will has gone sour; no, I will make things happen one way or another and at the same time allow for things to manifest at their own pace if and when needed to; the Bahari Spirit is still alive and well and the Good Lord has not written him out yet. I hope the road will rise and meet me and the wind will blow from behind me and push me towards greater heights.
I know I have no means of leaving behind for my children large amount of money or property like most people but I at least would like to leave behind a legacy of one who roams the earth in the effort of finding himself and share all that I have found for better or for worse.The good Lord has opened many doors for me in the past through my genuine believe in my cause; simple put making sense out of all the non - sense that i have encountered over the past sixty years; Insha' Allah may he grant me a few more worthwhile journeys of "Self Discovery'; somewhere, something, an event ans episode worth sharing with those who have taken time off to follow my blog. Patience I have come to hold is a very formidable virtue, something I had lagged in the past but am beginning to realize as progress in age.Patience and complete faith in the power of the unseen is something one has to experience in order to appreciate it is not something that can be talk of just as an idea. When you have understood these two virtues you are armed to accomplish through your passion for living life to the max.
I notice with sadness and concern that too many young men and women has given up hope even before they try at making their lives worth living; most I have encountered have settled for the well worn and familiar roads rather than take the chance of roads less traveled; most it seems are not willing to make the sacrifice and leave their comfort zones of home and family; the Samsung and Black Berry gizmos have become their tools of escape from reality. Most have failed to pick up the challenge of the wilderness yet waiting to be explored; the wilderness within and without of their minds. Most have no desire or passion to discover for themselves what they are made and are capable of as humans; their windows of opportunity lies only in what is fed them by the day to day humdrum that they are fed with by the mass media and religious constrictions.It is sad when the mind is not challenged towards a more creative and productive manifestation due to a lack of passion and fear of the unknown; or simply because their feet are being nailed to the floors of boredom and distractions.
I am ever greatefull to my son who has on many occasions opened new avenues for me to venture out and the rest of my children who are always there to support me with no judgement of what I do.My trip to Dubai this time I hope will lead me on to other trips that I had envisioned of taking before i exit this life. May the Good Lord ever be merciful  and compassionate in looking out for my well being as He had always done in the past....Amen!  

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