that one hears the song of the words.
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To inquire and to learn is the function of the mind. By learning I do not mean the mere
cultivation of memory or the accumulation of knowledge, but the capacity to think clearly
and sanely without illusion, to start from facts and not from beliefs and ideals. There is no
learning if thought originates from conclusions. Merely to acquire information or
knowledge is not to learn. Learning implies the love of understanding and the love of
doing a thing for itself. Learning is possible only when there is no coercion of any kind.
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Most people think that learning is encouraged through comparison, whereas the contrary
is the fact. Comparison brings about frustration and merely encourages envy, which is
called competition. Like other forms of persuasion, comparison prevents learning and
breeds fear.
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Wisdom is something that has to be discovered by each one, and it is not the result of
knowledge. Knowledge and wisdom do not go together. Wisdom comes when there is the
maturity of self-knowing. Without knowing oneself, order is not possible, and therefore
there is no virtue.
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Virtue has no authority
Wow ... Krishnamurti on Penang. Great. Is there a community of people who are interested in inquiry and / or K's teachings? Do you know about Stream Garden Retreat and Conference Center in South Thailand? It's an independent Krishnamurti centre. Opened 18 years ago but is little known because they aren't publicizing the place very much. I'm doing it though because it's worthwhile. The place is stunning, and inquiry, genuine interest in truth is ....
Thanks much for posting this.
there is a group in penang that hold fortnightly discussion, showing of JK video and dialogue. the meeting is held on 1st and 3rd saturday of each month at 3.00pm at 570 jalan tanjong bungah, Penang, Malaysia. those interested can contact Mr Raja at tel no 6019-416-8850 or Mr Yeoh 6012-489-7845 email
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