Friday, March 12, 2010

Sketching Weeds...

Nature has an inexhaustable images for you to sketch and with simple lines and minimal amount of coloring you can soemtimes produce the most subtle yet aesthetically pleasing works.

What is attractive about such simple sketches of often seen as insignificant scenes is the fact that it evokes to the mind what is in nature and its surrounding which varies with every location and environment.

I enjoy sketching weeds as it gives me the sense of freedom to create without inhibitions by the need to be correct or neat and tidy.

In my years of sketching i must have dones hundreds if not thousands of sketches of weeds and everytime i get a block in my creative flow i would resort to sketching weeds.

Dellusions are like weeds said the Buddha, the more you try to get rid of them the more they grow and the only way to get rid of them permanently is to pull them out by the roots. The Buddha also said that there are two kinds of Karma those that are the everyday Karma which can be removed without too much problem and those that are deep rooted. Deep rooted Karmas are those that originated from beginingless time even before we were conceived and thus are way, way! deep down there in our subconcious mind, most we are not even aware of. This in some belief system has to do with the evolution of the soul through the spirit and the physical existances, that is if we believe in incarnation like the Buddhist do.

Then there are the ordinary things in life, like the junk yard where, an eyesore to some but a boon to those who have the eye for the supramundane and render them into aesthetic beauty. Most artist are in tune with the environment in this aspect where they cannot see or tolerate the desecration of the environment by pollution or sheer human carelessness

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