I was at the office to renew my dughter's foreign student pass. There ar very few place that I wish I do not have to visit and one of them is th immgration department. The officers who have been handling my files were two bored gentlemen who gives one the impression that your prescence is an eyesore, a pain in their butts and you tell yourslf the feelings ar mutual but...
I made my first error when I did not register my children at birth with the Malaysian Embassy in Los Angeles when both my children wre born. This negligence has now surfaced to haunt me for the rest of my life as far as the Malaysian Home ministry is concerned. Sometimes I feel worse than an Indon or a Bangla in my effort to get my children rgistered for a PR status here. It has cost me alot of money and trips back and forth and paperworks, I hope when I die God will not make me fill up any forms.

Sometimes the arrogance by which the Malay government officers treat you can be very brutal, Malay men are never meant to serve others they were born to be served or at least this is the impression I get whenever I have any kinds of dealings with the government bureaucracy in this country. The women they sometimes behave like they are your sister in laws who has always hated your guts in the first place anyways. Perhaps it is my looks, I am easily taken for an Indian, or even a Bangla and the Malays whether they admit to themselves or not are biggots when it comes to dealings with these nationals.
No matter what the reason I find after being home for the past six years I have much less to respect the Malays for, being affluent and so called progressed has changed the Malays attitude from bad to worse. Do not take my words for it, experience it yourself and tell me if the Malays are still the most generous in their hospitality like they were once considered to be by foreigners. Malays today are out to make the bucks and screw everyone else, you are either with us or against us is the moto when the malay decides to do business, or it is who you know and not what you know that matters and when all else fails you will be quoted the hadiths or even the Quran if it helps to shut you up.
I have only one small apprhension towards this phenomena and that is it will one day blow up in their faces, when the well runs dry, when they have squanderd every God given bounties and rmain aloof and arrogant towards others, Allah will trip light fuse and like in many circumstancs in Penang and KL they will be the gardeners and housemaids in some Chinese or Indian homes ... heaven forbits.
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