I am not apologizing if i start to sound radical or political in my perspective of looking at my life, it is in the sharing of my thoughts and feelings about my life that i am beginning to understand if not accept my humble place in the scheme of things happening around me affecting my fellow friends and relatives and i feel responsible to sound it out. I am going to start shouting it out from the top of the Mountain, "To let my people Go!" I am operating at a higher frequency from a different if not elevated Dharma Position! I am dancing to a different rhythm and my heartbeat has shifted to a more slower rate to ride this wild horse of a spiritual awakening, if i can for the sake of sharing; I am shifting my gears and spinning my wheels at a different rate not known yet the significance or where it will lead me; not paying attention but conscious. aware and filing it all away as mental formations of the past, present and future steps to b taken; I have walked my path and it has been a pathless path; thank you Alan Watts, my Guru, my Mentor, my Friend. The day I stumbled upon your book, "The Way of Zen, " I was hooked! I picked it off the shelf while I was shelving back books at the UWGB Library where I was doing my work study job at the University in Green Bay., Wisc. It found me off course! It was there sometime in 1978 -80, cannot remember but after having read and absorbed the crazy/wisdom hidden within I found myself 'on the road to find out!' Your thoughts and intuitive wisdom set me a trajectory where i started my journey. homeward bound, " Home! where my thoughts are escaping, where my music playing... where my Love lies silently for you."
Danny Haiphong and George Galloway have declared that WW3 is imminent and that the rest of the world should be prepared for the worse, at the very least become aware and send a prayer for PEACE AND hARMONY! If we don't do it for ourselves do it for our children, look at what can happen to them as is happening in the Gaza Strip! Yes i have seen enough images and horrifying scenes that I am comfortably numb with sorrow deep in my heart, but' I will have to keep on movin' oh yeah cause life keep on changin' Oh Yeah!' But I will not pretend that I am detached from making any comments over these issue that are killing us humans! Where is our humanity? How can we live valuing life at the cost of a bullet in the rifle of a sniper and in the hands of an expert trained to kill with no mercy even at children as they run about in wild fear of what is going on around them, imagine the head of this young child being taken off by one squeeze of a finger. Halleluiah! Kawabanga! YiipeeKa yeaaa! Mother fucker! and somewhere else a child is born. Where is the meaning in all these? I keep hammering my head over this and I only can come up with a nagging headache and a chest pain. So I keep on writing as the witness, the one who records what is happening within and without.
Making my Blog entry while listening to a Good Vibes Binaural Beats on YouTube it not a good way to make a living for sure but its all I have for the time being, i cannot and should not complain. I think God despise all those who like to moan and groan, complain, complain, complain! I would too! and i am guilty of it just the same. I cannot predict that there would be no more complains in the future but i know that i will keep on trying to be satisfied with what I already have; I will not know what to do if i am blessed with too much! Thank You Lord! Alhamdullilah Ya Rab! I am your humble servant, I am one of your witnesses of myself and the rest of the Whole, I choose to make it the essence of my way, the Art of Living. To live a balanced life and one that reaches out far beyond it reach and taking on the suffering of the Universe as the my Practice, my Sadhana! My karma Yoga, my Amal Jariah, good services in His Name! This is Karma Yoga, I think, don't quote me I can be wrong; I am no mystique nor a yogi, I am who I am, who I am destined to be and who walks the path of Self- Salvation or keeping my own Ass covered from harm. No one on this planet will be willing to cover your Ass like you would so learn to how and know why.
When you cling on to a dream for too long it will eventually turn into a nightmare, sooner or later you will be climbing the walls to free yourself from the clutches of mental formations. Being who you are you will keep on entertaining each and every nightmare until it turns into a dream once more. Seeing with Right Understanding eyes, I am becoming more conscious of what is Real and what is Not Real, simple as it may seems it is not an easy job to follow. The shadow or my ego is no ordinary entity that can be swept under the rug, For so long as I seek the Light, my shadow will be attached to me, I have to stop seeking and accept the light, become enlightened. Open my heart and open my mind towards what is laid before me and become aware that the All that is before me is the All that is within me! I keep regurgitating the food I ate since my childhood days especially after eating meat, my sisters would cringe when they catch me still chewing my meals an hour later. They can tell that I was enjoying it tasting my beef for the send or third time after it had been mixed with the rest of the meal; it's a gift! disgusting to most but a gift none the less.no better than a cow laying in the grass and chewing the regurgitation of grass curd from it belly, they have this contented look about them! Camels too! and people like me.
So I have confessed yet another idiosyncrasy i have in case you are looking for a flaw in my character as a man. But I have much more positive and productive nature in me too. Just to keep the balance so that I am not easily swayed this way or another even if in essence there is really no comparison to be made as both positive and negative are the flip side of the coin, no light no darkness, a simplest equation that holds the fabric of my existence and I have no interest in trying to comprehend its essence; how can we claim to be omnipotent! Free from the clutch of maya, from the trap of delusion and illusion, how, what does it take? How does one remove the stains of Ignorance from the soul? What does it take to heal a splintered soul? I can only step back and stop asking and start fulfilling, acting, making it happen, manifest my intentions, making it happen! Like I am doing now. What else is there to do other than entertain myself with telling my stories making it more interesting every time I tell even if is the same old story. It is the healing property of keeping and ongoing journal of oneself; a gift of the healing process of the soul from being lost and confused to that of an awareness and awakening.
Kun FayaKun! He says, Be! and It Is. this is the Omnipotent Power of Allah sw.t. It is written in the Surah Yasin at the end somewhere. It says it all about the All Mighty Lord of Power, take it or leave it! Omniscience, endowed with absolute knowledge of all there was, is and will ever be and Omnipresent, the ability to be everywhere and anywhere at all times and being here in the present moment, all at the same time; He is the very air we breath in and the very shoes we walk in, He is simply wishes to see and be seen by His own Creations. I am but a servant a witness of this event happening before me minute by minute and day by bay and breath for breath. My Lord walks by my side and I walk with Him, His hand in mine headed for the fisherman's market. I am the happiest Soul in the Universe; me and my Shadow!