Listening to -The Root Chakra - 396 Hz video on YouTube. _ From The Power of You.
Why? What's the pleasure or purpose? What a waste of time! These are the reasons why I have been doing it as one of my 'Sadhana' or Practice. Getting my neuro-synchronicities in alignment, like the cells are all acting in alignment with the flow of energy throughout the body. Its one of the those technological discoveries that I am attached to for a number of years now. I find nothing special except it helps to keep my thoughts from flying all over the east Coast; I think too much! I count my blessings for being able to keep remembering to rein in my thoughts whenever they start to ramble on in ten different directions all at once. Surrendering usually works, like giving it all to God or the Universe to bring it all into focus or better yet, into silence. Cooking is one way that works very well too or taking a walk to dump that garbage that has been sitting in the corner and no one seems interested to deal with it. Watching a movie or two on NETFLIX or MAX or even YOUTUBE can do the trick, not the best method but if all else fails; I like to occupy my time writing, listening to inspiring and meaningful talks on diverse subjects especially those that touches on spirituality and philosophical/ psychological, worse comes to the worse, listen to George Galloway ,Max Blumenthal or John Stewart on Politics. There is no doubt that meditation and contemplation top the list of activities in one wants to procure peace and silence devoid of mental formations.
How do I become the truest version of myself? I am already. I have been progressing towards becoming who I choose to be despite minor regression and setbacks which are part and parcel of who I am. I enjoy being who I am and am discovering more and more of what I am capable of and how i can relate with all around me without any doubt or hesitation and I find trusting my intuition more and more readily when making up my mind to take any move or action. I have slowed down from making impatient and rash move when making a decision or moving into action. I am contented most of the time with what I have and how i truly feel. However with what is left of the remaining time and health I am going to make things happen to fulfill my intention of leaving behind me a legacy that my children can be proud of if not at least not be totally disappointed at how i have wasted my life. I keep telling this to myself as a reminder of what my intentions are and has been and do my best to fulfill them. It has been my principle that i would undertake a course or challenge and see how far i can take it before it meets a wall and can go no further. To see how far this would go and what the outcome would be. It does not really matter if I become rich or famous from it, what matters is I set a course and followed it through like I am doing right now, this Blogging.
I have been experimenting with my life for as long as I can remember. I have been taking chances and making bets, trusting my gut feelings and intuitions, I have built relationships and destroyed some and built and burned bridges behind me, just to see where my actions would take me, whether to a higher or lower level of my existence in terms of success and achievements or falling flat on my face in failure and decadence. Life to me is one long experiment and I am now beginning to write the conclusion as I wind down in age and run out of energy and the desire for more. I feel it is past the time in trying to create something new beyond my scope of attention, I feel it is better for me to wrap up what i have set forth to accomplish and post it as a grand presentation for the world to share. My legacy ? What is my legacy but the stories i have created and acted out for better or worse` I have done my part as far as meeting the requirements of being who I have been and who I am and not all were positive or productive on the other hand not all has been in vain. I have touched lives as much as Lives have had their impact on me and I have found my way out of situations that did not and does not contribute towards my well being especially as I am getting past my golden years AND BACK TO MY IRON AGE. (typo accidental.)
So On we GoSometime in 1983-4 I drove through Sunset Blvd. Bobtailing in the cabin of a 16Wheeler with the driver and his girlfriend a case full of cold beer and other stuff. Bobtailing is when you unhook the Cab from the Trailer and drive around. We had driven from somewhere in Green Bay, Wisconsin where i was hitch hiking my way back to California, to the Zen Community at Green Gulch Farm in Marin County, Ca. I will not not regress any further as the reason why I am now sharing this episode of my life is because I wish to share how I feel about the disasters and suffering that is going on in LA . Fire is a good friend but an un forgiving enemy and LA has bee in the grips of flames all over; it having a good taste of hell as some said on TV. It was a real surrealistic event that happened like in a dream that was slowly turning a nightmare, We were parked on the corner of a junction flagged down by a cop car and after that they took away my truck Driver buddy and his Girlfriend and I was left alone by the Cab. A part of me screamed tp get the hell out of there while I was still ok. There is nothing I could do for them anyway, and the n there was the me that said I do not abandon my friends no matter the consequence, this the stubborn dumb idiot that is also me stayed behind sort of watch over the Cab while my buddy was gone, Helicopters were lying all over my head as it was getting dark and they flashed their lights to the ground making the whole street corner looked like a war zone, with cops in black uniforms running all over shouting and pointing, I was scared shitless and stuck closer to the Cab where i eventually sat down on the pavement meditation style and said to myself 'Fuck That!!"
When I opened my eyes my truck Driver Buddy and his Girlfriend were standing over me with big grin on their faces most probably at how silly i must have looked sitting there in Zazen leaning against a Semi-Cab fallen asleep. We drove back to the Truck Stop and the next morning I left them and headed North towards San Francisco. That was my LA Adventure and as always the Devil is in the details! The La Fire just brought my consciousness to the moment in time when I was there in body mind and spirit. I must admit that i was somewhat judgmental in the beginning like most who have been affected by the conflict in Palestine, I too felt that this is Karma! A Collective karma that is the fruit of a collective lack of empathy towards the suffering in Gaza. Many commented to this effect on the Social Media and they are not wrong. Americans in my view will have to answer for the Genocide in Gaza and many other parts of the world. However it is too simple to point a finger in one direction and not realize the four fingers that is pointing back at me; I am in position to judge but it is my position to extend my compassion towards those who are suffering in LA and in Gaza, I let the Universe or God do the judging. Sometimes out of emotional weakness I make mistakes like taking sides and venting my anger towards something so insignificant as a driver cutting me off on the road. I notice my anger flare up even pointing a middle finger at the other guy. These moments catch me off guard and pull me down to the ground to wake me up from my dream, you are a witness! You are a servant, a Bodhisattva and not someone who judge right from wrong while on this trip. I can only pray for Peace and Harmony to prevail.
The Milkman - Mamak SusuThere is no doubt in my mind that we dig our own grave and measure our own coffin and when it is the time to go we will take our leave and say Hasta Lavista! However before then, I will do what I have set out to do and bring it to a final conclusion hopefully that it will all make sense and that my life was not all that in vain.
The Laundryman -Mamak Dobi