I woke up this afternoon from a vivid dream about visiting several art studios in Kuala Lumpur. One studio was a sculptor's studio owned by a Chinese artist, and the other was a large outdoor installation studio with mechanical functions. What I remember most was telling someone I assumed to be an 'Otai' Malay artist who I was and that I never liked being in Kuala Lumpur as an artist. Why was this important, fact that I never liked visiting KL On looking back I cannot truly say that I had a good time being there all those times that I was able to visit the City. I am not going to dwell on this too much as in most of my past experiences there was more negative than I care to remember. The question is why did I have a very vivid dream of such nature. I will let it percolate and allow my higher consciousness to reveal whatever hidden meaning it might have in the course of my present status.
Two days ago, I met a gentleman with his two adult daughters at the Museum Gallery Tuanku Fauziah—USM. He was Hasnul's close friend, an architect living in the East Coast state of Kelantan. While chatting with him, I found myself almost shedding tears, as what he had to offer was exactly what I had envisioned a month or so ago as part of my plan for the near future. He seemed full of vigor and had carried out some large-scale projects that had cost in the millions and according to my friend Hasnul, he was on par in being one of the best students at college. As our conversation carried on I learned that he was looking for a more fresh and positive idea to move forward with what he had in mind from the beginning of his ventures, I felt he was stagnated with too much being planned but few being a total success. He had constructed studio facilities intending to have it being run by artists to propagate art of whatever nature. However the idea has not materialized as there was no one he could find to manage the facility. It was too good to be true and if God or the Universe had been nudging me towards my destination this was a close at it could come to be in manifestation. My hair stood on end as I listened to him ramble on and not so much as to what he had to offer but that fact that he was echoing my own personal intentions.
I have been experiencing quite a few coincidences of late which are felt like I have been receiving blessings from on high, like 'the Universe is making sure that I am well looked after whenever I needed some help. I almost feel like I am not supposed to share these incidents as they are spiritual in nature, at least that is how I feel when these occur, and are to be kept as secrets to myself. However, I also feel that my original intention has always been to share, sharing my life's experiences no matter how taboo they might be. For example, two days ago I was short of cash to do some shopping and I whispered to my cousin that I might need to borrow a hundred from her. A few minutes later, my cousin's brother, her younger brother called me and handed me one hundred Ringgit saying this is your Raya gift. My cousin's sister looked at me unbelievingly whispering, Allah is watching over you, Alhamdullilah! I was shocked at the incident taking place almost instantaneously just after I made my request and almost wished that I had held on just a little bit longer before asking to borrow from her. Small miracles do happen as I said before, however, one has to swallow one's pride and ask for the help that one needs. On a deeper level, I asked simply because in the past I have been accused of being egotistical and my asking for help is my way of detachment from my sense of pride and my ego.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, ' Life is an experiment. ' I have lived by this. I act with awareness of the ramifications or consequences my actions may incur. I try to avoid guessing: What if I am, after all, a self-declared Elegant Beggar? I look well dressed but have no money to my name. The term 'Elegant Beggar ' was coined by the late Alan Watts, the British philosopher and Zen Master.