Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Bigger picture.

A couple of insane men ripped the Boston Marathon with home mad bombs and somewhere in New Hampshire a twenty year old have up him shining athlete career to save a stranger's life by donating his bone marrow: this is life. To say that it is all down hill for us as humans is like accepting a defeat in our own very existence as a specie; we are not fit to be humans. The Wheel of Life revolve within and without you, we can start evolving with every turn of the wheel towards the Light or sink ever deeper into the darkness of Maya or delusions. An act of kindness, a selfless act of mercy and forgiveness, an act of human Love and compassion towards fellow beings no matter its origin is not a myth in our psyche; we give that we may receive. The sacrifice made by the young man in New Hampshire brings light to the tragic loss of lives in Boston; this is the American Spirit of Sportsmanship, like baseball and apple pie.
South Korea and Japan are living under the cloak of fear from the threats of the North Koreans, collective stress is not a good sign for any society no matter how advanced or developed. Anger and fear are the two major contributor towards the mind being stressed out; it is a major excuse why most of humanity prefer to stay in ignorance of these global issues. Millions in the Middle East especially in Syria at the present moment are living in extreme stressful conditions for the collective human spirit and if this syndrome persist into the next few years the Vietnam war syndrome will set into the minds of all who are affected. It is imperative that we learn to accept out present human condition as such and awaken to what it is that we can contribute towards the healing process of this illness we are suffering from.
Now David has been given the green light to take on Goliath, Iran and Israel will join the global conflict on the physical dimension; another long fermenting hatred of each for the other is about to erupt into a possible Nuclear war; that's not a good picture to paint for my grandchild, but it is inevitable as we as humans are doomed to fulfill out darkest desires of Greed, Hate and Ignorance; our three Idols or worship. Only man can justify to himself for all that is happening around him and blame it on the devil. And for those who are believers, God is always on our side; it is God's Will.
It is God's will that two brothers decided to go on a rampage and take innocent lives in Boston for no justifiable reason and it His will for the lad in New Hampshire to give up his bright future, but it is our will that is being tested here and Now; we are the ones suffering this humongous load of a stressful situation to which Millions if not Billions of us are unaware of and are being driven toward our own self destruction by it like cancer cells eating away at the host. How do we slowdown the Wheel of Life, how do we help to heal the multi - splintered souls crying out for mercy from deep within their innermost being like a silent scream. Our Lord Christ, Om' Muni, Padme Hom! O' Avalokiteshvara, the manifestation of Infinite Mercy and Compassion, Kwan Yin - Goddess of Mercy, O' Krishna, O' Ram! YaAllah! I pray to You, my faith in You my will is Yours, forgive me my sins the largest to the tiniest, forgive me my unconcious of who I am in the course of this life, forgive me my doubts, my laziness, my slothfulness and stupor. Forgive me LORD FOR MY WEAKNESSES.
Yes not very much left for us, humans is there but to make amends with our Maker in whatever form He may appear for thee. To ask for His intervention and by His grace lead us out of this rut we are in that is pulling us all like a vortex into a Black Hole. Scientists are not going to pull us out, nor are we going to be save by religious orders, no, only we can save ourselves, we as individuals have to awaken by first realizing that yes we are unconscious at the present moment and we are walking down the road towards our own demise like a horde of Zombies in the Walking Dead series.
How!? READ!! Iqrar! Ask, (and ye shall be given), knock! (and it shall open), make learning about life itself you priority in life, in so doing perhaps you get to know who you truly are. It is while in this human form that true liberation can be achieved; it is sad to waste this great opportunity for all to migrate into a higher consciousness, a consciousness free from greed, hate and ignorance.

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