Friday, August 19, 2011

Balik Pulau - A walk by the riverside...

It's low tide, it's also the Month of Ramadan and everyone is fasting!

It's a mangrove swamp and you are likely to find mud skippers and an monitor lizard or two if you are lucky.

The river reminds me of where i was born and raised as a child in Sungai Pinang what is now part of Georgetown.

I can still feel the mud squeeshing in between my toes as I step through the swamp looking for Lokans a kind of large clamps tasty to eat.

For the locals and most Malaysians, this most probably is a common sight to behold, nothing special, but to people like my son Timo in Switzerland this would be a mind blowing experience. How we take what we have and experience for granted.

Just as the locals here would have had a heart attack if they were thrown into a snow country, those living in countries like Norway and Sweden would take a second breath had they been cast into this environment.

Whats the national flower? The hibiscus, or Bunga Raya known in Bahasa Malaysia (or Malay).

What does a banana tree look like and what's that hanging at the tip of the bunch of bananas? Click on the picutre so you can see better.

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