Friday, October 29, 2010

Timo A. Bahari

Like father like son??
There is one thing I must admit to myself at the risk of being accused of bragging and that is I have left behind me a few good lookers to take my genes into the future. Here is one prime example sitting somewhere in the Alps his home turf doing his thing and that is my son, Timo. This guy is going places like his dad like it or not as i can see it in him, he has got that far distant look of a Bahari, like th world is not big enough for him to explore and once set loose explore it he will.

Like most of his sibblings, he reads and has a voracious appetite for the books, for knowledge and in his own way he too is on the way to becoming a seeker, one who will never settle for less than what is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but...

Maybe i do not have the right to be, but hell I am a very proud father when I look at his face i see myself in him. I see those years when i was his age groping in the dark trying to fit, to figure out where i belong, taking life with passion and hating it with an even more so. But like him I too grew out of my teen years battered and bruised but flexing my muscles a much stronger person ready to take on the world for whatever it has in store to throw at me.

The creative gene has yet to fully materialise but the seed is already there germinating into what, who knows as he will find his own calling in subject, medium or style when it happens. I know he will excell in his quest to become whyatever it is that he chooses for he has the determination of his mother and the craziness of his father. The fact that he was conceived in a Zen Buddhist monastery only adds to his color in life and character if he so chose it to make it so, his life will never be lacking in as far as his heritage is concern for he is the epitome of East meets West as so are the rest of his sibblings.

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