Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life Sketching can be fun...

Doing fast portrait sketches at the MGTF - USM as part of the entertainment activity for visiting school students can be a very rewarding experience as it gives me the opportunity to polish up on my fast sketching skills as well as learn to control my temper. The alter is offcourse having to do with the sometimes crude or smart remarks made by the bystanders and onlookers. In the past i never did like to do any kind of porttrait unless the subject is not aware that i am doing it. As such most of my sketchbooks are full of sketches of people who are doibng what they are doing while not noticing that they were being captured in my sketchbook.

What is good about doing life sketches in such an environment too is the fact that it might benifit one or two wannabe artist in the crowd and on top of that you also get to make a few friends among the younger generation who most probably will remember you for a very long time after all how often do they get to be sketched? No, I dont get paid for what i do at MGTF but it has been going on five years now that i have been hanging out at this Museum as its "Resident Artist'... for whatever it is worth. For me it beats the hell out of having no place to hang out and the option being a coffee shop or a cyber cafe worse comes to the worse. Over a period of time i have been adopted sort of by the staff and earned their respect and trust. One of them even vacated his office space with the computer and so on, (where i am right now), eversince the move to this new office space a year ago.

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