Thursday, September 12, 2019

WallahuAllam! Only God Knows...

And it is said that silence is golden, however one wonders whether to seek silence within or remain silent without or both are equally golden. I believe in the fact every now and then one has to let out a roar both ways, a roar of shattering velocity that can be heard and felt throughout the universe of one's existence. This is the 'Lion's Roar  of the of the Buddha, a loud and clear message sent out direct from the center of one's being out of anger or pleasure no matter. "Go and shout it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere, to let my people go!" Humanity is in the grips of Greed, Hate and Ignorance and i cannot say this enough and we need to break loose from the bondage of these three illnesses before we are broken beyond repair, beyond healing. Enough is enough! We are nobody's fool and are place on this earth not to become grist for the mill or cork and screw for someone's ultimate dream machine. NO! We are created in the Divine image and believe it or not we are here to fulfill our own destiny not that of any other superior minds or beings.

People of the Book, especially the Muslims lives out life with the emphasis on the afterlife or the eternal life hereafter and most that I have come to realize takes this to the extent that this life on this plane, this physical existence id negligible or of no account. It is a wonder why most Muslim nations are backwards or lacking in every aspect even if their country like Malaysia has all that it takes in resources to become if not rich and well developed, at the very least, well sustainable.  I feel that the people of the Book have become overly religious and the emphasis on the rites and rituals has overtaken the wisdom of living spiritually as taught by the prophets. No doubt our presence on this earth is of limited time, however no matter how limiting our time it is highly imperative that we live it well, productively and for the benefit of the whole,(of God's) creation. Only a highly spiritual mind would not hate, of become greedy and act in ignorance where a religious mind has no guarantee of these A religious mind is infested with right and wrong, with who  deserves more or less, whose God is greater whose ways are more equitable towards attaining to heaven or hell.

It is said in the Quran somewhere that  God ,(Allah) had created man and jinn alike for the sake of worshiping Him. Hence the Muslims are very much into the rites and rituals more so than any other faith or religions on this earth, I see nothing wrong this except when a man spends a whole of money to perform , the Haj two or three times in his lifetime simply because he can afford it or a man take set upon himself to judge and punish others because the other is not doing what he does like it is his God given right to do so. Allah is to me all Merciful and Compassionate and All Loving, this is my Allah, my God, not a vindictive and wrathful deity out to make life as miserable for His servants here and hereafter. I worship Him by servitude towards His creations, I serve Him every way and everywhere I see the need for Love and Understanding, for Care and Compassion, I worship Him even when I am yelling bloody murder at the world in my times of digression and weakness, I worship Him out on my Love and Understanding and not out of fear or   favor for heaven or hell. I was created in His Image and not the image of man. I hold His Divinity as sacrosanct within me in the sanctity of the temple in my heart. 

WallahuAllam...only God knows.

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