Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Livng Unconsciously.

An article posted by the investigative reporter Edith Mirante of the Gaurdian on the fate of the aboriginal tribe, the Batek, (Bataks?) in the northern central rainforest of Malaysia caught my attention this morning and it hurts deep inside. What the Americans did to the Native American, the The Australians did to the Aborigines of Australia and now the Brazilian Government are doing to the Amazon tribes, we are doing it to our dinginess people; it is genocide look at it whichever way you want.We, Malaysians so proud of our ancestral heritage are oblivious towards those whose heritage and traditional way of life we are burying under toxic waste in the name of economic development and it takes yet another foreigner to paint this gloomy picture for us The forest people of Malaysia are fighting for their very existence against major corporations that has hacked away at our forests to make way for plantations and so forth, do we care? See how many read this article much less comment on it.

We can raise hell about deporting a foreign preacher or whether to agree or disagree about a  calligraphy writing in schools among other issues but are blind to what is happening to the people whose very lives are at stake. What have become of us that we are so insensitive and hypocrites when it comes to our choice of priorities.  The true native of this land has become less than pariahs where we as Malaysians are concern myself included and there is no excuse for it except the economic growth that we are sucked into  accepting as a necessity. We have become a nation of enough is never enough we would sell our mothers if it helps to make that extra buck.We are in the process of eradicating our forests, the flora and fauna that we are proud of, claiming to have one of the oldest rain forest on the Planet and at the same time we are wiping out the very guardians of these forests. Do we care? Hell no! Still. money talks and bullshit walks is our motto.

"A fever. Shallow breathing. Racked by coughing. In May and June 2019, at least 15 Batek indigenous people of mainland Malaysia’s Kelantan state died with such symptoms. Some perished in the rainforest that had always sheltered their people, others in a settlement surrounded by oil palm plantations. A few passed away in hospital after the health crisis became known to the government." - Edith Mirante -New Mandal.

# Edith Mirante, Batek of Kelantan,


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