Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Taking the leap of Faith.

As long as you exist, you are damned! You and I cannot exist, one has to submit, surrender, give in give up, only One can exist. Fana' is the goal of the believer,to attain complete annihilation of the 'elf' from consciousness to merge wholly into the void, the emptiness, the light; to be absorbed into unconsciousness, non existent or being. The Buddha attained PariNirvana, Complean expression of te Enlightenment, the Cessation of the self and upon His deathbed His final words were, "I Am No More!" This is the total submission into the unknown of the Soul; Fana'. I am taking on a serious discussion with myself over a matter that has concerned me for a very long time and that is the issue of the One-ess of God. It is my naive maintain that I cannot exist for there to be only One.I feel in me that I am barking up a mountain, the answer and it is not giving up the answer; your intuition says it is somewhere up there. It is not a matter of doubt in the existence of the Al Mighty, Lord of Creation, however it is a matter of having an inquisitive God given mind that has to be put into function. It is in trying to fully comprehend the nature of all of existence as my own thought formations; my own Collective Consciousness with all other beings, every souls throughout the past , present and future. This Consciousness the has evolved through one incarnation after another to arrive at this juncture of its natural history,  still not is  completely convinced with the whole truth, did or did Jesus die on the cross? Islam says no, Christianity says Yes. Like who was offered as a sacrifice to God, Ishmael of Isaac? Islam says Ishmael, Judaism and Christianity says Isaac. 

Yesterday evening my daughter and I attended a musical performed at a Church in the City and it was about the life and  teachings and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We were accompanied by mt gaughter's Boss, Joe Sidek and another of their staff David. I had a great time, as it was refreshing to watch a live performance by presented by more than one hundred Church members young and old. I felt the positive energy vibrating throughout the Church of young people acting and dancing with full of vigor and passion. If I am not mistaken the Title of thIe play is 'The Witness'. I whispered to my friend Joe, "We fasted all day and sit and watch the life of Jesus in the evening!" "We can be arrested by the Muslim Religious Department!," he replied. " Twenty, thirty years ago it was never like this, the Malay Muslims have become more extremist than ever before, how can you draw people to become Muslims if you are setting such a rigid standards and pressure towards anything and everything that is considered entertainment, or detrimental to the Islamic faith?" he went on to say. Did Jesus truly died on the cross or did He not, was what was running through my mind   

As we grow older we loose our sense of curiosity and awe about life especially that which is unknown to us, we rely upon our imagination and fantasies and accept the truth of what the mind has conjured for us all along to be reality. Our language becomes more intellectual and we use big words and expresses little and we confuse others more than convince them about life we have lost our sense of simplicity and dwell in muddled thoughts and expressions. Many questions cannot be answered as they defy rationality and often defies human intelligence, however this is the very purpose that they are there to be looked into if one is seeking to unravel the truth about one's faith. The Buddha's first of the Eighthfold Path is Right Understanding and thus it is one's 'Jihad' or Quest  to untangle the tangle of one's understanding about faith. If one's faith is unshakable, immovable and impeccable, then one should have no fear of whatever test that is thrown in one's path but take them but accept them as another door or Dharma Gate to enter and experience what ever lessons there is to learn on the other side across the threshold.  Death is the ultimate test in this our impermanent life, the coming to and end of the physical material realm of existence. 

It is more sensible to worship the Lord out of Love than out of fear, (for those who worship God). Love evokes positive energies while fear dissipates it. Do not equate human frailties to the omnipotent of the Lord's powers. Throughout human history faith and religious beliefs has been a major  issue and the Buddha had His own answers to most of the dilemmas as he set out to unravel the truth fpr himself. It took many years of deep reflections and meditations and allot of trials and tribulations to arrive at His final conclusion; that for so long as the I exist there is suffering.

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