Sunday, May 19, 2019

Deep Ramblings of the Soul.

And the Buddha is said to have said, "Suffering is, None who suffers. Enlightenment Is but None who attains it." I read this somewhere a long time ago and it stuck to my mind. If I am not mistaken I came across these lines when I was living in Green Bay, Wisconsin and I was running into some rough times living as a student and part time security guard. I think these were the most crtical times in my life that led me to seeking an answer as to how to survive this life and live to tell about it. I know what they meant to me right then and helped me to move on towards setting myself free from the delusion about too much pain and suffering. I was slipping into becoming an alcoholic and drug addict, I was giving up; I found my Masters from the Books that I read while being a student cum Security Guard for J&J Security of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

The Eastern Philosophy of Zen school of Buddhism attracted my attention than most others, I have always had a strong spiritual connection to the Japanese culture  religious traditions. I started getting into all these Eastern Religious and Philosophy books, it was like returning home to my own roots, my own cultural heritage, that of the great Eastern Religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, Islam and Christianity. I became a spiritual seeker for lack of better word. I accepted my life as an experiment, a testing ground, to discover the answers to my questions primarily, Who am I? Whats i Mind? What is Consciousness? What is Energy and the source of this Energy? What/who is asking these questions? Me!! who am I? I am the one asking the questions. Why I am asking these questions? I cannot remember anymore! Does it really matter? Suffering Is, none who suffers. When the 'I' entity is no more, suffering too seize. Identifying with this imaginary self called I creates and attachment to life; I am what I think. I am the sum total of my thoughts, I am complete and perfect. I am that, I am...No More.

The extinguishing of the light of the pure soul energy within, the begining of the death process happens after I have surrendered it back to it's rightful owner; my Maker. My spiritual fantasies! This is to die with faith in Allah is the Rightful Owner of the essence that resides within ; the Divine Spark. This is to me, the spark plug that brings to life all that lives. The human body is run by an energy force that originates from this source in the center of the beating heart...The Temple of the Living God. This is where my Lord resides, not out there high above, but within me and within all living creatures. This is the source of energy that most scientists stops short of acknowledging as the Divine Spark, perhaps that which triggered off the Big bang is also that which fired up all the neuro activities in the brain. I am telling this to myself simply because I have two minor strokes in the past two days and the first one was quite serious, I almost passed out into unconsciousness or even death. I will not go into the details but suffice to say that what i am writing to myself now may be the last few advice I might have for myself when the eventual event happens; at least to make some sense out of the nonsense of my life. Like a broken record I will keep repeating myself telling stories of my past and future. 

"Nirvana Is, but none who attains it." this is climax of every soul that has arrived at the peak of enlightened understanding and transcended completely the circle of life, death and rebirth, it is Nirvana. The Complete and perfect liberation of the spirit from the bonds of ignorance and delusion, from attachment to the external material realm taking it to be the complete truth about existence thus causing yet more suffering, in our own minds. To attain enlightenment is to become at one with the complete whole, the Universe, the source of the origin and so forth, one merges into the One leaving no trace of one's former existence, thus the self is said annihilated that which is the Buddha is born; all beings, in the 6th realms, in the ten directions, past present and future, has the potential to become a Buddha in this lifetime; to attain enlightenment through being awakened completely to the realization of one's true Being, That which was there before your parents ever met. That original state of my existence I call my primordial soul, the Divine Spark, before I was conceived I was place among other similar entities of light flitting around waiting for our turns to evolve. This space to me is like being in the womb of the Universe. Here The Al Mighty had made a covenant with all the souls of man to worship or bow to only the One True God...Lord of the Universe; Al Hak the Owner (of Souls.)

The experiment began once one is placed into a  body a form, human or otherwise and down we come into our mother's womb to hang out swimming in water like a fish. Our destiny begins as soon as we left the refuge of our mother's womb, out into the external realm screaming, rarely does a  child comes out laughing and cheerful; the path of suffering begins, or so we accept. From the days when you were a toddler to the days when you can think like an adult, you go through life's education through your parents and peers, you become, a member of the whole; you join the Collective Consciousness of the tribe, the race, the nation. To most the 'Covenant we had with the Creator and Owner of who we are is forgotten and we created other Gods to worship, money being the most worshiped.Some of us succumbs to drinking and smoking while others to gambling and worse of all corruption these becomes our deities. But there also are those whose commitment and discipline has kept alive the covenant as the Judaic Christian, Islamic religions do. It is all a matter of faith off course, faith in the One True God, The Owner and Sustain-er of all Beings seen and unseen. He goes by many Names and in Islam He is known as Allah (SWT). 


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