Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Laws of Karma sucks!

Silence is the way towards having a peaceful and contemplative mind, a mind that can encompass all in one unified point, in the H. ere and Now; the Divine Presence is here. No time or space has any influence over the Spirit, as no time or space can hold on to the ultimate consciousness of this we call mind; only in deep prayer can it be contained. Prayer is the highest form of human expression towards the unknown, that which lies beyond his comprehension. Prayer is the highest form of Yoga, or mental discipline, of meditation. To pray means to submit to give up, to surrender, to humble, my ego, that which I take to rule my life. My small mind as the Zen Buddhist calls it, or the monkey mind as Thich Naht Hahn, the Vietnamese Monk and great Zen Master, calls it. Even an Atheist prays deep in heart, that he is on the right path, perhaps he prays to himself, his higher self.

We are all interconnected Beings We are held together by one  line of thread that holds together a network of threads like a net, a web. The spider weaves its whole web from one single strand of its excretion, through its behind. We originated from one single bang the call the Big bang, before that we were One, perhaps a molecule of Atom floating around in space and time. Our gift above all other creatures seen and unseen is the fact that we have a mind and we are fully conscious, except we choose to fall asleep and exist in a dream we call our waking life. Some claim we are created in the image of God, some even claim that we are indeed God playing the role of who we are, some do not claim anything at  all except to claim that it is all an illusion, that the very I itself does not really exist. What it is that we claim ourselves to be in whatever image we were created from it is our inherent duty as a human to make an effort to discover who we truly are  in our relationship to one another and to the rest of the Universe and dare I say to our Maker, Lord of the Universe, call Him/Her by what name you may.

If and when you have found your true nature, that which was the original Unborn Buddha Nature, or the Ruhulkudus, or the Atman, that which is present in this moment witnessing; you will get to know your Higher Self, the source from which it all started; the strand that exits out of a spider's butt. How the Universe, How God, How Brahman, how thw Tao, the great Spirit is having a good time through you. The journey of a thousand miles begins where you are at and the first step you take might be your last or it will lead you to eternity; how far are you willing to go. Or are your feet nailed to the floor, or you carry such a heavy load that you cannot make it that far, your choice, a free choice to  make, accept life as it is with nothing after or live life fully knowing that what you sow today is germinating and that you are the creator of your paradise or your hell; the laws of karma sucks! 

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