Friday, November 02, 2018

Life has no meaning until you give it one.

After all the trials and tribulations, upon reaching the summit of the mystique mountain, after all pleasures and pain, after all that is said and done, what else is there to be experienced in this life? 

" Listen ye children of immortal bliss,
There is an infinite being that I have known,
Blazing forth like the rays of the sun.
Forever beyond darkness, 
Knowing that alone, one transcends death...
This infinite Being is who you are."
                                                        Advaita Vedanta

Or something like that, believe what you may according to your faith, but believe you must or you will allow humanity to dive into the pits worse than the animals.My personal mantra has alway been; I am Whole,
          Complete and Perfect,
          Strong and Powerful,
          Loving and Compassionate,
          Harmonious and Happy!
          I can do what I Will to do,
          So help me Lord.
For as long as i can remember I have carried this mantra within me, this affirmation  that I recite to myself every time I sit to meditate or when mind impose upon me thoughts of discord and vexations. If it works or not remains to be seen when I arrive at the final completion of my journey. This mantra I use to hone my mind if not my brain cells to work towards self realization, that I am more than just a bag of skin and bones existing in space and time, existing like a cork being buffeted down the rapids of consciousness to the ocean of reality. What is it worth or how does it benefit me as a human being? I ask myself, what have i got to loose? How does this helps towards healing myself and humanity at large and what do i hope to gain in the long run? The answers have been this whole process of  self discovery through Blogging, through daily trials and errors, through meditation and yoga, through prayers and contemplation, through the gathering knowledge and wisdom. through my relationships with others and through  the desire for liberation and enlightenment. 

I would deem this life a waste of time and breath if I have no understanding of who I truly am in the scheme of life or how i am a part and parcel of the Whole. I would consider my life  unworthy of being a member of the human specie living off the Planet like cancer cells eating away at it's host; merely a parasite. Like every human being I fully realize that I will die sooner or later, it is imminent and am I prepared to face this eventuality, perhaps like everyone else, No! The unknown that lies ahead are explained to me by numerous scriptures and revelations on one kind or another, they may be true or they may be just human imagination at its best, but they are just that, the truth is yet to be seen. Yes, fear is the key and I am afraid for what I cannot yet explain or have yet to experience first hand and out of this fear I grope for the ultimate truth and understanding failing which I have accept what has been foretold. But death is not the issue at the moment in time, not while I am still breathing and in this physical form and mental states, a the moment I have to lie my life to a completion. Before i close my account I have to make sure that it is all in balance, the good and the bad, the light and the dark etc. Before I write my conclusion to this life's experiment albeit religious or faith, scientific or philosophical, I intend to end this journey with a thorough understanding if not awakened mind of a Buddha, or as an Al insan kamil of the Prophets and Saints, short of these i have failed my experiment and perhaps in the Buddhist sense will reincarnate to the next life and return to carry on the next phase and the next.

What is the meaning of life? Life has no meaning until you give it one.      

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