Thursday, November 15, 2018

Do you see what I see/

See if the experiment is making any more sense so far approaching to becoming a schizoid as I allow for my life to happen with accepting the moment to moment experiences and manifestations before me. I realize that I am nowhere near to the complete detachment of the Buddha's teachings, but suffice to say even at this distant I can already feel the effect of in the moment in space and time, to empty of your own being, to dissolve and merge into emptiness. No, I am very far from being able to give up my souls and step over to the other side just as yet, especially, fully conscious. No Sir, not I. I have a whole lot more to complete before I can call it a date, but it is happening.In small doses i am starting to see what lies beyond the veil, I am beginning to appreciate the beauty of my mind even in its impossible state. How the mind works cannot really be fully explained by any other great or small minds. The mind is the creator of all minds or better known as mental formations, no mind, no Buddha!

If you hold your breath long enough, you will change whatever mental formations thoughts. ideas and so forth in your mind at the present moment. Try to stop your regular breathing while watching  what the mind is up to. Let go of this as you blow out your breath and watch if your are still thinking of the same thing as before. Chances are that you are either in between thoughts or you simply forget what the were before you stopped breathing. This pause between two thoughts is  where you, the 'manager' can influence what kind of thoughts should arise next. As a true practitioner one would off course rather not have any more thoughts to arise for as long as possible, but the mind has its own will to exert new and more dramatic scenarios to counter this effort, I still don't have a clue as to why just yet but i kn this much, that nothing is more illusive and unpredictable than the human mind.

It takes a thief to catch a thief and so it is with the mind, To liberate the mind from incessant thinking it is necessary to employ the mind itself. By what is known as skillful means in Buddhism the mind is subdued and become subservient to the dictates of the soul or spirit or the observer, the witness, atman, call it by what name you will, cause you are it; you are not the mind nor are you the body. These are your vehicles, your tools, that which you express and project yourself and manifest your desires into the world at large. Realizing that you are the master over your faculties is a major step in the direction of self realization. Knowing that you are the charioteer and not the chariot or the horses, you are the puppeteer and not the puppets and that you pull the strings is paramount towards  becoming endowed with your inherent divinity. Most of us are fully aware of these aspects of our being, however not too many are deeply concerned in making it a belief or even a practice in our daily lives. Do you see what I see? Do you feel what I feel? Are we on the same page about who we are what we are capable of?

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