Monday, March 19, 2018

Land of the Free, Home of the brave.

Woke up from the sofa with a start and could not tell if it was Sunday or Monday, morning or eening as it is dark outside and the clock says it is 5;30 Monday the 19th. Picked up the phone and saw a message from my daughter to call her back and I did, she  was still in bed. So i decided to take a shower and sat on the sofa facing the computer and the call to prayer came almost immediately from the State Mosque a distance away below me. I had to listen very carefully through the whole prayer to verify whether it was two or three rakats that was performed. Two means it is the Fajr or morning prayer and three means it is the Maghrib or evening prayer, it was two and so it is early in the morning. So i prayed after taking my wudu or purifying wash and now am still in a daze as to what is going on.

It is a pleasant feeling none the less and hoping the sun would rise soon just to confirm that I am okay and not dead and still in limbo or something, would be nice if I am! I must have fallen asleep on the sofa all night long and if so what a sleep it was as if I was dead, not a single dream thati can remember; nice! No aches and pains from curling up on the sofa either, it is as though I was drugged. It is the most baffling feeling yet that i have ever experienced waking up and thank God there is a streak of light in the sky outside my window; I am still alive, too bad! Oh well only have to look forward to another day and expect the unexpected and welcome the inevitable. If this is any indication of too much 'sitting' meditation and contemplation, it is nice to be in a limbo once in a while.
I miss my camera, I miss my daughter and I miss my cat and now i miss my earphones! My god all these things that i would miss if i am truly dead! Funny the thought of missing my sons has not occurred to me, perhaps my subconscious is telling me that i should stop missing those who don't miss me in this life; it is a thankless if not futile feeling and redundant to the already overloaded mind.

 On Face Book my friend Diane Rabinowitz posted an article of the rise of the youth of America against the ownership of guns in America and i commented to the fact that hey can start by genuinely apologizing to the Native Americans whose forefathers were practically wiped out by the law of the guns. Karam sucks and now it has come to bite at you with a vengeance. But who cares about such cosmic retaliations and retributions anymore, "the History books tells it and they tells it so well, The cavalry charge and the Indians fell, the cavalry charge, the Indians died. Oh the country was young then, with God on its side." as Bob Dylan sang in one of his balad. What goes around will come around and it is not a cliche, it is Karmic.

Perhaps the collective consciousness of the youth in the United States can help to heal the fractures caused by the wanton shootings all over the country by deranged and unscrupulous individuals. This is an epidemic that is fast becoming toxic and needs to be seriously curbed in the bud if it is not already too late. What would it take for the gun lovers and those who live in constant paranoia of being attacked to give up their weapons and live a free life; freedom from a self imposed tyranny without fear? To truly live "in the land of the free and home of the brave?"

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