Monday, January 22, 2018

The Path of Spiritual Consciousness -1

"A line is cast in the rapids,ion
The greedy is caught,
 A soon as your mouth is open,
Your life is lost."
 A Zen Koan from the 'Blue Cliff Records.

Consciousness pervades all and the mind is like a sponge that seeks out objects and phenomena that attracts its attention most, like a beautiful woman or a challenging idea and these outstanding distractions are like roadside attraction capturing my interest and attention. Consciousness is like the rapids or the super highway and the mind is like the line that attracts to itself forms and images through the five senses, it is like a camera that snaps shots that pleases or that intrigue itself amidst everything else like a greedy fish attracted to the bait at the end of the line. The moment, a contact, recognition or an acknowledgement happens there is attachment, and the greedy is caught.This is how we experience life day in day  out ever accumulating thought formations.
Images and forms comes in all manner subtle and gross, provocatting and challenging, positive and negative and mind latches on anything and everything it chooses.To become fully awaken is to become fully aware of this mental state that becomes impediments to any spiritual practice one undertakes that would hopefully lead to spiritual liberation. 
Freeing the mind from mental delusions is one of the functions of meditation practices. Unloading of the mental accumulations, or emptying the accumulated thought baggage becomes paramount in any spiritual endeavor for only through the emptying or silencing of the mind can spiritual practice become manifested with deep impact and clarity. In one of the Vipassana meditation practice there is one called, 'Ba,re Attention'. In this practice one is encouraged to experience  life with a sense of neutrality, neither attached nor detached, just observe with bare attention. This sense of neutrality or what I call detached involvement helps me from getting sucked into or sucked up by the external distractions  or attractions. This is important I feel for one who is looking within 
towards self discovery. this is why the Buddha used the analogy of living life like plucking a lotus without getting the fingers wet. Yes it is definitely easier said than done as the external world is full of lures and distractions that is bound and determined to keep the mind engaged and kept a prisoner.
The one that is making all the observations or the witness to all the ongoings of the mind is aware and awakened to a certain degree of coming to grips with reality as it is. Sadly enough most of humanity is blind to the truth of this matter and serve the 'false gods' of ignorance in perpetual bondage from generation to generation like herds of cattle existing purely to be led to the slaughterhouses at the end of their days. This is in the name of survival, achievement, success  and what have you rather than getting to know the
 truth about who you are and how or why you are on this earth and what is your position in the scheme of humanity and the planet itself. The power that be is bound and determined to keep humanity in this state of bondage blinded by the offering of simple pleasures and empty promises, dividing and disseminating falsehood and imposing their will upon the masses to implement their hidden agenda. Albeit at the National or Global level, the story is the same, greed, hate and ignorance becomes the seed sown for creating chaos and fear for personal survival.;to each his own and forget the rest.
It is our individual duty if not responsibility to awaken to the truth, the reality of our own existence, of who or what we are and how our very thought process can affect the glacial meltdown in the Arctic Circle or the deforestation of the Amazon. Yes, why we are so interdependent upon one another and the rest of the world is so crucial in our very own survival and the rest of the species; we are at the top of the food chain. It is our duty as such to get in touch with our Divine Nature and realize that we are more than what seems to be; we are of Divine essence and capable of restructuring our destiny. The Planet and Humanity needs awakened minds to aid in the healing and regenerating process that only collective consciousness can wield in order to counter the massive negative impact of toxic bombardments we and the planet is experiencing now.      
So! Wake Up! Stay Awake! Don't let them fool you!

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