Monday, December 25, 2017

A Christmas Message from the Buddha.

A very Merry Christmas to all and Peace be with you. To my children, the Captain. the Swiss Genius and the two I have here with me, all the very best in the year ahead. May you all enjoy the Grace and Blessings you well deserve and may you continue to be strong and creative in facing life and what it has to offer. 
I told my daughter at the beginning of the year 2017 that it would be our year to grow and excel in our own ways, it has to some extent happened for us. We have enjoyed an almost peaceful and blessed times doing what we each enjoy doing. The Planet is still holding its own even if there is some discord here and there, lets hope and pray that 2018 will be a better year yet. Love and Peace will prevail as more and more are gradually awakening and  accepting our birthrights as wards of this beautiful planet we call home. let us all open our hearts to the truth of Light and Being and work towards healing the ills that we have brought upon ourselves and let us leave behind us a home worthy for those we leave behind us to continue to enjoy. Let us wipe away the tears of loss and deprivtions and sow the seeds of Loving Kindness with greater tenacity that would wipe out the fears and suspicions that has plagued us in the past. Let us look into the future with more Compassion towards ourselves and others and come to an understanding of who we truly are and what our prime objective is for being chosen to be born in this time and dimension. We are no less than beings of the light or enlightened beings know and accept this as our birthright, that which is inherently divine in us. As such, shine! 'Shine out all you crazy diamonds' and enlighten the world, free yourselves and become beacons for those who are lost in darkness.
There is nothing that you can take with you when it is all over or when your day is done not your riches nor your fame, but your your individual consciousness alone will move along to the next phase wherever or whatever it will be.Be ever grateful for all that you are given and all that you have achieved and be charitable in word thoughts and deeds as you move along this path towards you own self liberation. Take no nonsense and give non but if you do either way be extremely good at it. Do nothing if there is nothing worth to do but do your best when and if you are required to do so; know and feel inside tht you are the best ever to come into being. reach out with all sincerity and humbleness in touching others and hope for nothing in return,  only the blessings of your own Christ Spirit your own Buddha Nature, your own Atma Brahman, your own    Ruhul Kudbutus be cleansed. Only in letting go of your physical and material state can you receive your divine.
Empty yourself of mental formations and external vexations and let the divine light fill you up with the divine light. In silence can you hear the sound of the Universe and in silence your heart becomes filled with the sound of OMMM! In the silence of your heart you can hear the whisper of the Divine that which is and has been within you but drowned by the noise of the mental activities. Let form and emptiness become one within you even for a split of a second and let the lightning of awakening split asunder your slothful and stuporous mind, wake up! Stay awake!
 Have a Very merry Christmas !   

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