Sunday, October 15, 2017

The CERN LHC experiment.

"To boldly go where no man has gone before..." This famous last wordsit of the Star Trek Sci-Fi series is what the CERN Project is all about. As the crew of the Star Ship Enterprise were willing to explore all the uncharted expanses of outer space with their captain James T. Kirk at the helm so does the young minds of the Cern Scientific community are will to take all the necessary and  unnecessary chances to explore the mysteries of the Creation and of the Universe. Yes there are risks involved and any miscalculation can prove catastrophic to the planet itself not as some claim even to the fabric of the Universe itself. What lies beyond the veils of our multi-dimension worlds is any good guess, it could be benevolent or malevolent, then this is what science is all about, to seek out the truth even if the truth hurts.
I am sure millions if not billions of dollars have been poured into the Cern Project and all the projects that are related to it through the years in preparation for its final goal whatever that may be. From Star Trek to Star Gate, the masses have been gradually honed towards having some sort of ideas of what is going on and what to expect, through fiction comes reality. Conspiracy theories will abound on every negative expect of the CERN Project and rightfully so as this mega scientific undertaking concerns us all as part of humanity; we cannot afford to play ignorance. The ramifications of the outcome of this project is no small matter that concerns only the scientific community and it has the blessings of most of the European nations as well as the  Untied States, Iran and China.. All that has been accumulating over the years with regard to UFOs and Multi-Dimensional worlds is now being put to the test and not to dismiss the religious as well as spiritual implications on the subject. "Opening the doorway to Hell" some theorists accuses CERN Project as proposing to do while others sees it as and an invitation to unknown alien entities or civilization asyet another possibility. It is up to us the lay man to at the very least try to understand this inevitable outcome one way or another.
The way I see it, humanity is at a cross road towards self destruction through our failure to alter our own history towards a more positive future. Wars, famine, degradation of the environment, we are shitting on the very late we eat our meals. What is the difference if mankind take its leap of faith through seeking an answer through a brave and audacious undertaking to find the answers to our ailments. it is our very own apathy and wanton disregard for the well being of this planet tht has driven the scientific minds of out times to take the chances and go for broke. It is also our egotistical nature to see things happens in our time rather than leave it to the future generation to make the discoveries of the nature or our existence. We asked for it in essence for this to happen and all i can say to my loved ones is be aware and be prepared to face whatever the outcome may be comes the 23rd. of this month when the LHC will fire up and shoot its most powerful force in its history in order to recreate the Big boldly go where no mind has gone before; may the Grace of God be there for us all.

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