Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Back to being a painter.

My daughter and I had lunch at the "Passion of Kerala," an Indian Restaurant owned by Dato' Gary Nair, an acquaintance and run by his son Roy, We had the vegetarian banana leaf order as it was a special the Hindus were celebrating a harvesting festival where and everyone eats vegetarian  dishes. I met Mr. Nair at the main entrance where he was entertaining his special guests of Indian who is who in Penang and was ushered into the restaurant by him and as i was about to sit at my table I spotted Mr. Lawrence Loh a prominent architect who is responsible for many of the renovations done of the Colonial buildings around the City of Georgetown. That was how the day began for me after doing the house chores like mopping the floor and doing the laundry, watering the plants and checking my Face Book. The lunch which also included a car wash was ex gratis -no charge. The Passion of Kerala is not a cheap place to have lunch and the food and services is excellent.  I also left an acrylic painting to be hung at the restaurant and will add a few more in the near future with the hope of selling them.
I take this as a small reward of sorts from the All Mighty for good behavior in the past few days, at least I like to believe so.   
On a different note, I have come to notice that my good friend Ah Huat has been distancing himself from me. Ever since i was ill and admitted to the hospital he has become a little cold not as entertaining as his former self even on the phone. Perhaps it is my subconscious mind that is playing out its plan of distancing from this relationship where i have become dependent on him a little to much and it is time for change. Yes, I have actually been questioning myself too over this matter for the past few months but never putting much into it. Now i feel the seed of concern has sprout into a reality that i think will become a reality one way or another; perhaps it is time to move away from this situation for now before it becomes stale.
It is still a gamble kind of situation when it comes to trusting the small voice from within over matters that can make or break in our everyday life, like a very close relationship. Can i trust my feelings in making the right move where this relationship is concern or make my choices based upon my own intuition or gut feeling, it is like tossing a coin in the air although with much more care and awareness of the reasons and the outcome. However from the way things has been happening in my life, it seems to point more accurately towards taking that leap of faith that it is high time that i  move on into a new venture in life; perhaps pick up where i left off in my artistic endeavors. Perhaps i have put on hold long enough with being an artist. Last night in looking in the trunk of my car i found my paints and brushes that I was looking for the past few weeks, perhaps this too is an indication.
Everything , every move, every thought happens for a reason and has a purpose, if we are only awaken enough to see it.

I am living here for a reason, ineed to paint this on to my 100 feet long art piece.

The image ineed to work with is right outside my window.

So, enough of this procrastination and time to jump back into getting some creative expression manifested; if not now, when? If not here, where? The Universe has provided all the necessities and the mind has at long last been subdued into cooperating with the whole and the call of the spirit, yes, it is time indeed for the artist to awaken. Moral of this entry is, leave yourself options that you can fall back on to keep on being creative.

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