Saturday, January 17, 2015

"Lucy" - Luc Besson

French film director calls for rejection of extremism and promises to work with Muslim community for a fairer society 

My brother, if you knew how badly I hurt for you today, you and your beautiful religion that has been so sullied, humiliated, and singled out. Forgotten are your strength, your energy, your humour, your heart, your fraternity. It’s unfair and together we will repair this injustice. We are millions who love you and who are going to help you. Let’s start at the beginning. What is the society we’re offering you today?
It’s based on money, profit, segregation and racism. In some suburbs, unemployment for people under 25 is 50%. You are marginalised because of your colour or your first name. You’re questioned 10 times a day, you’re crowded into apartment blocks and no one represents you. Who could live and thrive under such conditions?
Profit comes before all else. We cut and sell the apple tree’s branches and then are shocked there’s no fruit. The real problem is there, and that’s for all of us to resolve.
I call on the powerful, the big bosses and all leaders. Help this youth that has been humiliated and which asks only to be part of society. The economy is in the service of man and not the reverse. To do good is the greatest of profits. Dear powerful, do you have children? Do you love them? What do you want to leave them? Money? Why not a world that’s more fair? That would make your children the most proud of you.
We cannot build our happiness on the misfortune of others. It is neither Christian, nor Jewish, nor Muslim. It is just selfish and it leads our society and our planet straight into a wall. This is the work we have to do beginning today to honour our dead.
Terrorism will never win.
And you, my brother, you also have a job to do. How can you change this society that’s being offered to you? By working, by studying, by taking up a pencil rather than a Kalashnikov. That’s what’s good about democracy, it offers you the noble tools to defend yourself. Take your destiny in hand, take the power. It costs 250 euros to buy a Kalashnikov but not even three euros to buy a pen – and your response can have a thousand times more impact. Take the power, and play by the rules.
Take power democratically, helped by all your brothers. Terrorism will never win. History is there to prove it. And the beautiful image of the martyr walking in both directions. Today there are a thousand [assassinated Charlie Hebdo journalists] Cabus and Wolinskis who have just been born.
Take the power and don’t let anyone take power over you. If those who are presumed guilty of this tragedy really are, know that these two blood-spilling brothers are not yours, and we all know it.
It would at most be two weak-minded individuals, abandoned by society and then abused by a preacher who sold them eternity … Radical preachers who play on and make your misfortune their business have no good intentions. They use your religion only to their advantage. It is their business, their small business. Tomorrow, my brother, we will be stronger, more connected, closer. I promise you. But today, my brother, I cry with you.
                                                                                                        Luc Besson The Guardian

The French Movie Director is one of those who has made a great sense out of the whole Charlie Hepdo incident that claimed 13 lives in Paris. A few days ago i watched a movie he wrote and directed entitled "Lucy" featuring Scarlett Johansen and Morgan Freeman. It was about a young lady who was forced into becoming a drug mule for a Korean syndicate into Europe surgically planted inside her stomach. However the bag of drug was ruptured inside her when she was assaulted by one of her captors and this resulted in her being drugged by the potent drug. The drug had caused her brain to be charged extensively as to effect tremendous amount of energy causing her mind to accelerate towards being able to utilized her brain capacity to 100%. Anyway, something like that,  l was very impressed by the idea.of the story and marveled at how anyone could create  such a movie.
Luc Besson has always been one of my favorite movie maker with movies like 'Leon' and "The Fifth Element" among others and then he came up with the above statement standing up for what was the true cause of the Charlie Hepdo incident. I felt for once humanity still stand a chance with minds like these.

IN Germany-
Angela Merkel has condemned the marginalisation of Muslims and other groups as “humanly reprehensible”, pledging that her government would use all the means at its disposal to fight intolerance.
The German chancellor, who has taken the strongest stance of any European leader in the wake of the Paris attacks, joined a Muslim community rally at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to condemn the killings and admonish the growing anti-Islamic movement in the country, a day after it drew record numbers of supporters.
Aiman Mazyek, the chair of Germany’s Central Council of Muslims, said: “The terrorists haven’t won and neither will they win in the future.”
The rally’s central message, which was directed at the anti-Muslim demonstrators of the Pegida movement as much as at radical Islam, was that diversity is Germany’s strength. The German president, Joachim Gauck, said: “We will not give you our fear. Your hate is our incentive.”
The Guardian, 

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