Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Go Cry It on the Mountain before it is too late.

Prophecies and Conspiracy Theories are today emerging like sores all over the Internet with regard to the state of the world and the fate of this planet with each and everyone having the means and the proof to authenticate the claims. It is rather sad and gloomy these predictions and accusations made by various scholars and clergies, scientists and intelligent men and women all over the world with regard to what they view as the road that we as a specie are headed towards our own doom and planetary demise. It is with trepidation that i read and listen to as much as i could in my ad hoc approach towards getting a thorough unbiased information with regard to what i feel is a disturbing trend that is emerging in our history to date. The wars and restlessness, the spread of incurable deceases such as the Ibola epidemic now threatening several nations across the African continent, the wanton disregard for the environment in the name of progress and constructions, the loss of respect for the human rights and clandestine operations to subjugate ethnic and minority groups are growing in intensity all over the world. Religious conflicts and sectarian ethnic cleansing has become a common household word and understanding where before these were unheard of.
Where are all of this leading to? What is becoming of us the human species? have we come to a point of no return where we a bound and determined to lead ourselves into a Third World War or worse yet the destruction of our planet simply because we can but for no other reason than the need to dominate over others. Have our Egoic tendencies gotten the better of us beyond even our own comprehension so much so the we are loosing our sense of self preservation and that well being of the rest of the other species that have existed long before we did? When are we going to wake up and arrest this ever growing snowball that is rolling down with ever increasing size and speed and smash itself in our faces? When are are we going to say enough is enough before Shit hits the fence and causes such a stink that we will no hope ever cleaning up the mess of our own creation?
It seems no amount of prayers, no amount of pleadings and no amount of rhetoric is ever going to be able to stop the killings that is today claiming thousands of the lives of the innocence in many parts of the trouble countries such as the Gaza and Iraq and Syria and will spread to other neighboring countries. The United nations has become a lame bird, an International Body the is as good as a a Puppet on a string of dominant countries. The United is to be held responsible for all that it has not done as a Collective Body, but even this hope of hopes that humanity has to prevent itself from self destruction has gone sour, and insult to every human intelligence so much so that is pathetic to even dream of this Body ever going to do anything much than whimper at every threat of the so called developed Nations or the so called Security Council. Will this lame duck ever raises its wings and take to the skies and perform what it was created to do in the name of Humanity, perhaps never till it is all too late.
The United States is sadly enough in the middle of all this embroilment making itself the Lord of the Flies over the garbage heap that it is creating out of its thirst for domination and superiority while being manipulated by one of the smallest nation on earth to serve as its Big Brother making sure that all is legal in its thirst to dominate the rest of the human race simply because it thinks it can. Israel will drag the United down the path of no return sooner than later and the world will pay the price for this with a holocaust far great than the First and Second World Wars. It can be smelt in the air already if the events of history keeps its course as it is doing now. Woe unto our children and grandchildren for they will have to learn at a very early age to bear arms and kill or be killed. For when the End of Days is set in motion there is little else that can be done but be prepared for the worse as no country on earth this time will be free from the impending scourge.
yes, we can continue on living in denial for a few more years as the snowball is still way up on the mountain slope and has yet to gather enough size and speed before it comes tumbling down upon us and we can say it is all in the imagination of the doom and gloom sayers. It will never happen, well at least not in my time and when it does, if it ever, i will be dead and gone and it will make not much difference by then. These are wishful thinking that hopefully are true, but reality sadly enough is knocking on our doors and if each and everyone of us do not wake up and smell the stench of death before it is too late we will be responsible for the outcome of our own lackadaisical approach towards what is going on around us and if by chance we happen to have children when the shit hits the fence, i personally hope that we will have good excuse to tell them for how we screwed up.
I have time and again been trying to share what i have learned thus far through my interactions and readings of the works of great thinkers and humanists, philosophers and scientists of the past and present. I have place myself at the feet of good religious teachers and listened to many 'Satsangs' and 'Doans', to 'Khutbahs' and Sermons to come to my own conclusion that yes, we are indeed headed towards our own demise collectively and there is very little we can do about short of a miracle and miracles are not happening too often these days not even the Pope can make anything worthwhile to deter the course of this road to perdition that we are presently riding on: a trip to sOUTH kOREA IS NOT EXACTLY SOLVING WORLD TENSIONS! (SLIP OF MY FINGER!).
The Dalai lama is still singing his Loving kindness to the world echoed by the Reverend Vietnamese monk Thich Nath Han whose mindfulness walking is still moving slowly along like a caterpillar leading those who have found peace behind him; but what good is all this today? The world is in need of a more greater impact than a peace walk or a smiling Buddha, the world needs far greater Miracles than lip services and hand waving to bless the masses and lull them to deeper sleep; the world needs the likes of a Mao Ze Dong or a Hitler, the world needs the likes of a Gandhi or a Mandella, the world needs far great passion than that of the Christ to save itself from its final countdown. The world need this now and not sometime in the future when it is all become mush and gravy for the darkness to feast upon.
So! What can you do if you can do anything about it? Or will you be the last angry man standing at the edge of the abyss looking back with regret at what you could have done? One thing you can do if you have read this garbage is to become aware of what you can as an individual as a man or woman. You can get off your behind and strip off your blinders and look into reality with all the consciousness of your inner being if you have found it, take a stand and shout out your indignation and let the world hear your passionate scream for Life, Peace and the Pursuit of Happiness if not for yourself, for those coming after you.  

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