Thursday, May 08, 2014

What is Reality- to Me?- 2

Part two ; so what is reality? to me? My existence if it were to have any significant meaning at all is to understand who I truly am, or what am I? How far or how near am I, as Pink Floyd in 'Wish you were here", my original intention and only intention is to know the truth for myself so I can worship my Lord and Creator as I truly am: a Muslim? a Christian?, A Zen Buddhist?, a Hindu? where my faith and my soul is concern.Call it what you may but my faith in my Lord is sealed,; many a temptation have I been facing..".I ask myself, what would Jesus do in this situation?" from a lyric by?? I ask what would The Prophet of Allah would do and I ask what would The Buddha or Lao Tzu would have done, I hear the answer, "Walk away,." Detach yourself from the spiraling lives of others but attend to each and every situation, . Berhijrah lah sayang, Demi masa mu." Relocate,Change, take a deep breath and change,retreat or go on a pilgrimage, however at this moment in time and space, become at one with the center and watch the debris, the waste that you have created go by you, your past...and this too will pass, remind yourself every now and then. Feel the impermanence and the fleeting space and forms, they change even as the light changes, the body in each and every moment goes through change; regenerating, reviving, resourcing, defecating , exhausting, throwing in day out this too is reality.
The Buddha called His first principle practice towards enlightenment as:Right Understanding, the first of the Eightfold Path. The Quran began with the first declaration by the Lord, IQRA!! or READ! Hence I have tried throughout my adult life to Read, with Right Understanding, accepting no other interpretations of the Holy Scripture but my own self sought conclusion; my faith hangs in a balance, my soul hangs in a sling. So, I experience reality, where faith and belief is concern, in my mind from a whole different perspective, one that not too many has been given the long and windy road of Self-Discovery; like an episode in the Discovery Channel and this too is my reality or at least from my mind's perspective.
I always say to myself that I am a spiritual person no a religious one, there is only One, that i worship and He I call Allah, I find comfort in Him, I find Love and Compassion in Him: You may call Him God, The Savior, The Holy Spirit and so forth...that is okay too, or you may call him by the myriads other names that your regions and culture knows Him by, I need Him. This is the essence if I might say so, of my spiritual understanding and with this I continue on living my life as watchfully and genuinely as I can, bear the consequences and pay my Karmic dues, for that which I have sowed now I am reaping. What is being 'spiritual'? What is Living? What is Death?, how do relate to the external world of people and stuff? How do you live this life out without being sucked into it like cattle raised for the beef; let my existence be of some slight significance towards the res of society if not humanity. In this sense I call myself a spiritual person and in some small way I have touched the lives of others through my own quest for the truth or the attainment of enlightenment in this lifetime.
What is reality? To me personally reality is being in this moment in time and space and just watch my fingers tap on the keys of this keyboard, while my good friend Azizi is trying to follow song from Salim's computer at MGTF, USM and feeling the pains in my insides from not having food in my stomach, this is reality for now and who knows what next would bring.In this moment in space and time, I simply observe with bare attention or try my best to, the workings of my mind, my thoughts, sometimes I can almost bring it to silence  like I just did a moment ago.And this too will pass.
..What does the Bhagavad Gita has to say about 'Reality?' READ!

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