Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's all the Limitless One - Mooji's Satsang

It's all the Limitless One. The Complete consciousness.

Allmost all the time this i am is contacting the mind, is going to the mind  and at least you begin to see this and  you begin to see influence of associating with the mind, but don't give up!

The feeling, the natural  feeling of being inside this body, the sense I exist ,it is common to all that exist, it' is present in all sentient beings'

  It is the voice of the consciousness, not just the words i exist, the intuition, the feeling of presence, the way in which you know you are alive, nobody gave it to you, it just is present, it is the voice of the  life-force and the consciousness is saying I Am! This position is inside. Only after this arises, then perception, of otherness can come. This is the earliest manifestation of the absolute in the dance of multiplicity. This must first be there. The original seed, the seed of existence. The feeling I am or I is synonimous with that, it's identical, you are to know this.

 When you say I, I is consciousness, It is the godly principle in the form it is already there., but it reveals itself in the waking state and in the dreaming state when consciousness is available it manifest itself as  I. I and consciousness , they are one., know that. The root of the personality is the consciousness.
Without consciousness there is nothing, no perception, nothing can be tasted, not even the sense of existence, will be there for you....you don't have to go somewhere to find consciousness,, that is foolishness, because the very eyes that yo9u feel is itself consciousness.

The sense I am is already there with you,, unsupported, it is there, but it has a tendency or a reflex to identify itself as the body, and you must watch this. Trey to isolate the feeling, I am. and don't let it contact any other concept, believe, memory, intention, desire,, attachment, images, Keep it by itself, just a feeling of being.

This is the real source and being of I, it is consciousness, and it is formless, but when it is in the body, it starts to believe I am the body be aware of it and  leave it don't identify with it. Tihs I am the body feeling is appearing in the consciousness itself, just feel the natural sense, I am.

I am That, I am.

A thought cannot think itself, it must come from somewhere, you.

All that is required is you as the consciousness is completely in the present, wherever you are.
What if there is no 'next'?' What is this moment?

So long as you have a strong sense of identity, you need to investigate, what am I feeling? 

Discover who is the thinker of this thought,ad infinitum.

                                                           Brain can be identified, Mind is only thought. If you are witnessing yourself , who is the witness?

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