Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mother's Day! 2

God created us in Pairs.

The Principal of Yin and yang, The Cosmic symbol, is about the balance in the Universe , in creation itself. It is the balance of energy between the hot and the cold the strong and the weak and the journey that is traveled from one extreme towards another, for within each halves of the black and white drops of colors swirling in a circle of  birth, death and rebirth. When you hold on to an idea too long or too tight in your mind, it takes on a life of its own projecting of ever increasing depth and dimension until it fills up the whole scenrio of who you think you are. You become what the mind 's idea of who you are by making every thought and idea a cell, a building block from which your personality is being molded and constructed. You become attached to these thoughts and ideas and identifying them to be the truth in your life. You end up loosing your balance, you become attracted to one side of the idea and neglect to attend to the opposite effect it is causing by not being active or activated. Too attracted with light you become blind and being so used to darkness you can see clearly see light that is within you brightening it all up. You become enlightened so yo speak.
A man needs a woman in his life it is as simple as that according to The Gita, The Bible, The Koran and any other Scripture you would care to look into; just as a woman needs a man to create a perfect balance in life. The Male energy without its counterpart the female energy is useless just  as there is no electricity without the positive and negative  sources., Does it mean I need to find a wife? Do i need a spiritual companion? I have asked this before too having written so much for so long I am not surprise if  it is mentioned in ten different blog entries already. But it says i am thinking about it this matter of needing a companion or a wife. It is not like I have given up all hope of finding the right person to share the rest of my life with. :"Jodoh di tangan Tuhan," in short it is all in God's hands. However in the meantime i will go on living the way I am, contented just to be in the here and now for now. At my age It is not like I can walk out there and snap my fingers and walk away with a missus in hand.  As much as i miss the company of a woman,  I would rather be single than take on a companion who will find it hard to accept me for my ways,: I am not a simple man in my ways: I am a bungler when it comes o my relationship with women, I always end up messing things up.
So I have to say at the present moment i am content to live a reluctant Saniasi or celibate yogi. How do i relief myself? Well i am an artist, my imagination is limitless I satisfy my gratifications in my mind, I am not a mental celibate am still doing my Jihad against my lustful desires: deep rooted Karmas or fulfill my genetic strain in my DNA. How can I not simply look at a woman without projecting my desires., without wanting to posses her or  wrap myself around her feet, make love to her there and then, yes it is how my mind often works, scary but true: I am like an incubus. How do i free my mind from being in such a deep rooted karma without having to sit in meditation over a dead body in the grave yard as one of the teachings of Buddhism suggested. My consolation i feel in all these is the fact that I have not gone insane and am still able to maintain a good understanding of my predicaments. The fact that I am able to write and share my thought about ti is my way of helping those who see a little of themselves in me to adjust accordingly or make amendments where amendments can be made. You have find the forgiveness in your heart before God can forgive you. You have to understand what it is that you have transgressed before the judgement can be meted with.
For now, on this Mother's Day I kneel before my Lord and thank Him for creating Women in my life.
" I can't Live them with them and i can't live without them!"


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