Monday, April 07, 2014

Loose ends.

We live in a world of many facets, many themes, many facades and charades and we live in a world of make believe, of mind created imagery, we live in many dimensions and levels of consciousness that we are saturated with, being a captive of Maya. Our self created believe system is evolving into a reality, manifesting itself in so many different ways good and not so good and yet we have come a great distance of having a good understanding of who we truly are above and beyond the life we live today as who we have been thinking we are. We are collectively slightly awakened to our self created realities like the mystery of a missing Boeing 777 Jet liner. the longer and more bitter drought, the incessant urge to kill one another over the most of trivial matters. We are evolving in mind and spirit and this evolution will gather momentum and  proportion and it will unleash humanity's collective intelligence in the face of this global decadence.We have no choice but have to if we are to survive our self created chaos from our own sense of Greed, Hate and Ignorance.
Maya is like a Mirage, an illusion , magic, Maya is what the ordinary mind perceives as its reality; Maya is a veil illusive and transient, Maya is fleeting and living in it is like living in a dream, a consciousness where one has little control over but have the grand illusion that you do. When you stop questioning who you truly are rigormortis sets in and you are slowly sucked into the realm of petrified existence, a realm where you simply exist, for no apparent good reason you are here to live out your allotted time on this planet. You die not knowing the reason why you were here in the first place. What was your original intention your "Nawa'itu" your Niat, what was it this covenant you made with your Lord for being in this form, the top of the food chain, most highly evolve specie, brain wise, highly evolved specie when it comes to Love and Compassion, Greed and Hate, we are human, Homo Sapiens,  descended from the Java man: we rule! What is it that we had promise to do or become or achieve that would be of significant towards others while are alive in this life.Most of us forgets this moment of truth the moment when mind stops and sees itself for what it is and come to an understanding that there is s sense of purpose to life. Why I am here, perhaps I will never fully understand but little by little I am beginning to see the truth of what is hidden behind the veils of Maya
Humanity needs Healing. Humanity needs to be Awakened, Humanity needs to be Alive and Aware.I am Humanity, you are too and together, collectively, with One intention we can raise the healing energy within each and every one of us to bring healing to this our suffering planet.
Learn how to meditate. Take any form of meditation practice and hold on to it til it becomes a part of you in your daily life.. Sitting or walking meditation Tibetan or Japanese form of Meditation, Sufi or Yogic form of meditation, choose one and practice to the best of your ability, make it a habit. This is one way you start to to get to know your physical self better if not your spiritual self. Meditation as testified by all the great masters East and West, is the key towards unlocking the doors in your consciousness. In perfect meditative state, the mind has come to rest, the mind is no more...only what is... Is. In this state of mind-less-ness, a space is present where he answer to your questions are manifested out of the blue, why am I here in the first place? The religious accepts it as predestined, it is all written in the 'Loh Mahfus" or the 'Book of Life' and it will all be revealed before the Lord on Judgement Day. And the Zen master would ask, so why the extra effort? And the Buddha said for so long as there is suffering in this realm of the NIrmanakaya, I will return as a Bodhisatva and serve humanity, I am the Guru, the teacher the fisherman and the painter, I am the farmer and i am the carpenter; as whatever form I choose to return as I will help to deliver Beings from ignorance, from hate and from greed.
Through the simple practice of breathing, or prnayama yoga system of meditation, or Zazen form of breathing meditation, you can bring your thoughts under control. You can easily remove yourself from your thinking mind and become perfectly present in the moment just an observer and the observed. You become 'Centered', This Is It! You! What an immense experience, what a simple truth. To be awakened is like being snapped out of a dream into a state of wakefulness, Once you experience an awakening you will never forget it and it becomes just like any ordinary thing in your life after awhile. Nothing special. You then wait for the next and the next event that will lead you this sate of consciousness through mindfulness Practice and Meditation. Work you must like all else that is of value in life; earn it.

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