Sunday, April 20, 2014

In the eye of the Hurricane.

It is Sunday, almost one o'clock in the afternoon an all three of my children are ares till in lala land, all three ARE NIGHT OWLS LIKE THEIR DAD.( I will leave that as it is error or not).only It is ironic that at my age I feel a little guilt whenever i got up late in the morning and be confronted by people running a restaurant out my window and it is lunch time! Look out the window and you see all heads covered or otherwise bowed to their plates shovelling food into their mouth while busy expressing their opinions about the missing Jetliner or the death of a great fighter in quest for 'Justice for All', Karpal Singh will go down in history as one of Malaysia's daring citizen who raked both ways but remained true to his cause.Everyone has an opinion about just anything under the sun and especially in areas where the sun does not see.
The traffic is the back ground music a consistent rumble of sound, lie OMMM...punctuated by blasting and blaring of horns and the banshee call of the Medical Unit on its way to save some lives down the road, they are never on time, not to my knowledge and I live on one of the street corners of Georgetown where accidents not happening would be out of the ordinary. This is the center of the the storm, the eye of the hurricane, one of the main arteries of the City Traffic Woes in Penang. The least the MPPP can do is install warning lights like those used on four way junctions on the United State, yellow lights slow the traffic down especially those asleep or using their gadgets while driving. This is the street corner I was born into and grew up as a child, the junction of Jalan Sundai Pinang and what used to be called River Road, which today is being renamed with its translation as Jalan Sungai, which till this day is confusing the hell out of  people But that's for the MPPP to decide and I am sure they have made the decisions but money...this and that , got in the this junction will have to live out its daily routine of near misses and fatal accidents.
This is what one wakes up to every late in the morning while getting dressed and figuring what to do for the rest of the day one gates to size up the world below, the familiar faces and the regulars, the restless boys who work for the catering side of the business with allot of time on their hands waiting for their trips and the new crowd first timers checking out the food and the ambiance..Traffic Noise! OMMMM...dit!dit! droom! droom!.
The room is getting warmer by the hour as the afternoon wore on and the sun hits the zinc roof out front; there are days it fell like being in an oven. Hence this is why my children have turned into 'Night owls'.It makes sense in its own way but not the best of scenario to live by, unless this is what it takes to stay awake. afloat, alive, being in the moment so be it. It is a suitable training ground for my children in the art of adaptation and assimilation, evolution and the rest of it... you can survive here you can survive anywhere.i.e. if you are awake when you wake up.The external bombardments of the senses is overwhelming but through being present in it it is like in the center of the storm where you find peace and tranquility, or to put in layman's term you are comfortably numbed to the world.
I took a few minutes off to check for some music on YouTube and instead found a video of Paramahamsa Yogananda talk on sleep entitled God helps God.and at the very beginning of this talk he was saying, you are not sleeping correctly! You allow for  your dreams to disturb your dreams, you subconsciously worry about unpaid bills..." something like that.. He was talking about the Yoga of sleeping correctly how uncanny can it be that I should stumble upon this video of all videos of the Yogi Paramahamsa whose book was my guide for several years while living in Green Bay, Wisconsin, the the USA. It was like getting kicked in the jaw by an old Guru, thanks to YouTube and the Internet. While on the subject I would seriously recommend to all my readers and friends to take a few to listen to these great sages what they had to teach, Paramahamsa Yogananda was very Christian in his approach to spirituality, putting the teachings of Jesus in to action.His emphasis like most great Gurus is the act of meditations as a powerful means towards the liberation of the mind and spirit from this world of Maya or illusion. All religions no matter those with Books or otherwise acknowledge the fact that man has to awaken himself from this sleep of illusion, this illusory sleep.
Whether you are a night owl or a regular eight hours sleeper like everyone else, sleep is crucial but it is also not the best of exercises if it becomes a habit.Attachment to anything is an attachment and when it cannot be removed it becomes a vexation. Being aware of our daily routine and narrowing down as much as possible our actions and interactions can help us towards understanding better our inner workings, like focusing your mind on your physical state can help to move the mind away from too much distractions from external stimuli.Hence we take in our long deep breath and slowly let it out without force to move our mind towards the body. As we master this shifting from the external to the body and inadvertently into the inner state of consciousness, we are freeing ourselves from the vexations created by the sound of incessant traffic going to and fro in front of your house... in the center of the hurricane you find emptiness, peace and tranquility.
or you can fall asleep through it all.

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