Wednesday, December 11, 2013

On my Third Night - Lintang Sri Lovely Organic arm.

The Sri  Lovely Organic Farm is the brainchild of an ex- army Major who is keen on working with the R&D of rice planting. The place is supported by the the various government argricultural departments such as MARDI and the Institutions of higher learnings such as the University Pertanian and WWF 

I was invited as a guest by Pa'Ya as he is called locally and I was told that i could stay for as long as i wish and I feel at home here. It is what I have been looking for to do some retreat of my own. My experience living at the Zen Center in San Francisco and working on the farm at Grren Gulch Farm which was one hundred percent organic came to mind. The place is located way out into the forest area almost to the foothills where there is no more houses but these chalets ans so I am alone in the wilds again!. 

Living in small huts like thes in the middle of nowhere can be nerve wrecking if you are from the city and I felt this when I first spent my night by the lake,  My mind seems to have developed a sense of fear of the dark and remote areas I was in. and to think that I had spent nights in the Gila National Monument and the Organ Pipes Mountains in the southern tip of New Mexico. 

A cool river runs along the back stretch of my cabin and i took my bath in the river which was quite refreshing. The whole concept of the place is to turn it into an International Eco -Tourism place, just like Green Gulch was. There is alot that can be done here but it takes time as it always does in this country whenever something good is put foreward and it comes in the form of red tapes and bureaucracy.
This is where I stay, not too bad especially when it cost me nothing but good friendship and a whole lot of experience sharing.

The Kitchen facility.

The rice field where organically grown rice is being carried out.

Time to take  a bath, just jump in and be cool.

1 comment:

ME. said...

promise to take me there one day ok daddy? love you. keep posting