Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Looking In Looking out.- Malaysians.

Moments like these is what makes you feel good about Being as Artist.

Malaysia still going through a whole lot of tummy aches, from the rise in fuel price to the gangland ramage that highest index in crime standards They have arrested the icon of the Malaysian Arts and culture, the Poet Tuan Syed Samad Said and everything seems to become an issue with Religions or Politics as the main ingredient One has to be extra cautious in what one has to say about these matters as a concerned citizen, we are all walking on thin ice. The only thing i can see each and every one of us Malaysians can do is to adopt a practice working on one's self to change; acceptance, adaptation and change from within. Look within more so than without as you can only change yourself and God willing the world will change with you. Look with a sense of loving kindness towards yourself and understand what it is to be compassionate and caring towards who you are and learn to smile at yourself more. Only through finding the peace within can you manifest the peace without, I call to all Malaysians to slow down and smell the stench we are creating all in the name of being one above- El Numero Uno!
I will never tire saying these thoughts of the Buddha regarding the three illnesses that we humans suffer from and that is GREED, HATE AND IGNORANCE. Wealth, Power and Information is the flip side of the coin as those who wield these three attributes rules the world. The sooner we awaken to this simple truth, each and everyone of us ricj or poor white or brown the greater the chance that we might affect a change in humanities fate from falling into darkness and steer it into the light again. Whats the sense of being a Billionaire when you neighbor has committed suicide because he could not hold it together much more. Or what the use of ruling the world when you have lost your soul? Even a murderer has a sense of conscience while he is pulling the trigger, there is a blink of a light yet within that is still alive and that keeps us from becoming inhuman or worse than animals, that light is the Essence (Zat Allah), of what is God, what is Love , What is Compassion, What is Truth, Who are you before your parents conceived you to be? I its our responsibility as Malaysians to seek within the answers that would help to heal our country; we have to come to a realization of who are as Malaysians! Are we always Greedy, Angry and Stupid! This is what you find within all of your selves. Do I have any conscience, Love for, or kindness towards myself and hence to the rest of my fellow countrymen or am I just out to exploit every possible human frailties for my own personal aggrandizement. We are all guilty of all of these 'habits' in one form or another at all levels in our lives, we just have to become more aware of its influence upon our dealings with our fellow citizen, our family, relatives friends and the rest of the country.
To heal a greedy heart be a little more charitable in all your dealings and abhor corruption or taking advantage and exploiting others in making lager profit. Giving is more powerful than receiving and so you give what you can for the well being of the whole of society, it makes you less greedy; a virtue any God or Deity would be much happy with, it is much more great than prayers. It is said that God's greatest gift to man is a beggar at his door, (Al Quran?) it is for you to have right understanding of why it is so. It is also said that for those who have more shall be added and for those who don't all that he has will be taken, (The Bible?), Give as though there is no one that gives and none that receives (The Buddha); these attributes are what can help to heal man from Greed.
Anger, hatred, criminal, police, wars and soldiers, all these are manifestations of our illness in Hatred. Through the practice of faith and patience we can heal ourselves from having these traits and the resultant manifestations that is now threatening our nation. Being multi racial, we stand to loose more than just our peace but our sanity as well if we do not find a cure to this malaise we have in all of us. Malays will always be wary of the Chinese and in like so the Chinese of the Malays and then the Indians too will harbor such similar feeling towards the other two and then there are others who will stand to defend their ethnic group for survival; we have to find it ourselves to find a cure for Hatred. patience is not just waiting for the clock to run itself, patience is also non action or involvement until the right moment or the event will play itself out more easily without your outburst through anger. Anger blinds a man, it makes him act like an animal. Taking a few long deep breaths before you jump in and kill someone is patience in action. How many mistakes have I made through not having a little more patience!
"Read", the first word uttered by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet when he was meditating in the cave. Read or say, That there is no God, only Allah! This was the first transmission in Islam from The lord to the Prophet, the first knowledge or truth, the first lesson, the first understanding. It is our responsibility as humans to know, make every effort ot learn, to have a right understanding of our relationship to the rest of the the Universe; to The Lord. This is the seed of thought that distinguishes us from the rest of creation. We have the choice to 'Read' or remain in ignorance from lack or knowledge and understanding of who we truly are in relation to the Whole. Otherwise our lives is indeed worth the price of a single bullet.

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