Friday, April 19, 2013

More on GE13

"Because we live in such a mind dominated - culture, most modern art, architecture,music, and literature are devoid of beauty, of inner essence, with ver few exceptions. The reason is that the people who created those things cannot - even for a moment -  free themselves from their mind. So they are never in touch with that place within where true creativity  and beauty arise. The mind left to itself creates monstrosities, and not only in art galleries. Look at our urban landscapes and industrial wastelands. No civilization has ever produced so much ugliness."
                                          "The Power of Now" - Eckahart Tolle.

Because we live in a mind - dominated culture we become allot less sensitive towards our fellow beings , their strength and weaknesses their affairs and needs, their flaws and successes, we as a species seek only to survive, more so as time progresses. We seek to reach the top of the mystic mountain at all cost no matter who or what we trash along the way, it has become - it is our way or no way. It is  because our culture has become so mind dominated that we are forcing ourselves into a conner where there is no way to escape but self destruction and we will do this unconsciously, with not even knowing that we are driven to do it.

Malaysia is going through a period of political as well cultural change if not a mindset change for the past few years since Anwar Ibrahim got slapped by the then Chief of Police. It was our wake up call or what happened to the ex Deputy Primeminister would have been of no consequence, a waste. Not all Malaysians can read and not everyone understands the gravity of GE13 or the upcoming General Elections, it is up to us those who claim themselves to be educators of one kind or another to educate the masses, our family Friends mothers and grand mothers, the coffee shop cronies and the pondok philosophers and politicians. The least one can do is to inform them to not get involve at all rather than be involved in a negative way. It is better not to cast your vote than vote out of spite; or worse in ignorance.

To the Chinese this is the Year of the Water Snake, the snake is changing its skin at present in Malaysian; the nation is molting. When in this state of being it is understood that the snake goes through a state of hibernation, a state of loosing control of all its physical form to allow for the shedding of old skin to take place; any struggle or rash drastic move could result in an irreparable damage to the (future) form. Malaysians have to spend more time looking within themselves than what is being fed them from without. In this mind dominated culture and age nothing is what it seems more so than ever. Thoughts especially collective thoughts is capable of creating anything that can fool you in order to gain your confidence; your vote. We have to wake up, we have to become conscious, be aware of what is happening in and around us, we have to become enlightemed so that our choice for the future comes from a state of being the is not unconscous, or fast asleep with a blanket of ignorace.

In the heat of the electoral campaign there are those who would go to all and any extend to prove themselves worthy of your trust and confidence, listen, understand and accept what you fill is correct and dismiss what is not,  free your mind from all prejudices, all conditionings and see clearly what is exactly needed for change to happen. If possible lend no energy positive or negative but just allow for the campaigning to take its course, be fully conscious and present while this is going on. When the time comes for you to cast your vote allow for it to happen freely without any tint of fear or prejudice.
Vote from the heart with the Faith and Love for your country and your future generations.
May God Help us all.

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