Monday, December 03, 2012

My Malaysia 4

"We are supposed to have lived on this earth for a million years, and during that long evolution we have remained barbarians. We may be cleaner, quicker at communication, have better hygiene, transportation and so on, but morally, ethically and - if I may use that word - spiritually, we are still barbarians. We kill each other not only in war, but also by words, by gestures. We are very competitive. We are very ambitious. Each is concerned with himself. Self-interest is the dominant note in our life - concern with our own well-being, security, possessions, power, and so on."     J. Krishnamurti

It is almost a thing of rare beauty to see a group of Chinese, Malays and Indians sitting and having good rapport at a coffee shop anywhere in the country. It is the saddest if not the most disgusting thing to watch a Chinese a Malay or a Hindu give each other a dirty look for no apparent reason by simply because. Why do we always choose to treat each other with contempt and disrespect rather than greet or at the very least acknowledge with a nod of the head as we make an eye contact with our fellow Malaysian? Is our life so downtrodden and beggared that we cannot afford civility towards one another even if we are strangers and of different nationality? What do we fear would happen if we do act with good manners and common courtesy? Would we loose face in the eyes of our fellow man, to succumb into submission in some form by doing so? Even ants greet each other as they pass by and most animals do sniff one another out as a sign of recognition: but Malaysians, there were times when I felt like cursing for having smiled to a stranger only to receive a scorn.
It sounds very rudimentary (Corny) and simple, but we Malaysians have to start somewhere to let our positive nature show, to let our feelings be known that we care and we are one. Not just bull shit about it in making speeches and commercials on TV but actually, factually do it in the open. We can save this country through our own initiative to change and we can change by starting at the very most down to earth level of interpersonal communication, just start with a smile; a sign of acknowledgement, yes i see you. I am okay! you are okay. It is never too late to change and change we must! To change the government we must first change ourselves, our mindset, our understanding of who we are in relationship to others especially those belonging to a different race or community. Yes we have been doing this to a certain extent but most of the time we do it for a reason albeit a sense of political unity or racial tolerance, or respect for religious beliefs: we have been doing it out of a necessity rather than out of genuine human concern. 

"Your life is like that of the rest of the world. Human beings are terribly unhappy, uncertain, miserable, unemployed by the millions, in poverty, hunger, sorrow, pain,just like you; you're not different from them. You may call yourself Hindu or Muslim or Christian or what you like, but consciously, inwardly, you are just like the rest of the world. You may be dark brown, they may be light brown, have a different government, but every human being shares this terrible world. We have made the world - you understand? We are society. If you want society to be something different, you have to start, you have to bring order to your house, the house which is you."

"Namun pada hari ini, perkara-perkara tersebut masih dimainkan, diputarkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu bertujuan untuk menjaga kedudukan elit mereka, harta yang mahu dikumpul sepuas nafsunya dan kekayaan yang mahu dirompak daripada rakyat - kononnya atas nama membela rakyat. Akhirnya yang menjadi mangsa adalah rakyat sendiri, menanggung kesusahan, keperitan dalam meneruskan hidup yang semakin mencabar dan kompleks, pemimpin negara pula duduk bersilang kaki, ketawa dan riang tanpa berasa apa-apa."
                                              Mohd. Bukhari Mansin

So stop looking for someone to blame, stop looking for a scapegoat whether it is the government or the Police or those who occupy the seat of power; we created them, we put them into their position and we can change this. We can make for a better future if we pool our minds together and stop acting from our self centered egotistical nature, act from our heart of hearts. Not from our cultural and ethnic heritage but from our status now, as a Malaysian with no conditions imposed by anyone but purely being Malaysian.
We have to negate all that has been imposed upon our minds by our past, our parents our teachers, our family and friends we have to embrace a new beginning free from any preconditioned ideas and ideals. We have to give up what or who we are made to think we are and grasp upon an understanding of what a selfless, effortless spontaneous act is in the face of the catastrophe we are about to walk into. Don't let those who have acquired comfort zones and ideal positions way laid us from our vision to change; don't be sides tracked by empty words and promises, stay focus on what needs to be done as though our very lives depends on it, and it does. 

"Sudah tiba masanya anak muda melakuan perubahan menyeluruh. Sudah terang lagi bersuluh dengan apa yang berlaku pada hari ini. Jenayah makin berleluasa, yang kaya terus kaya dan yang miskin dibiarkan papa kedana, walupun kadang kala diberi makan umpan sekali sekala apabila menjelangnya pilihan raya. Jangan kita menutup pintu hati untuk menerima kebenaran dengan terus menutup mata atas masalah yang berlaku pada hari ini."
                                                   Mohd. Bukhari Mansin

Parents, it is up to us to make way for our young so that they see what lies ahead without their minds being clouded by our own biases. If educate them we must then let it be an education that will set them free from any sense of racial or communal bigotry, free from any fear of being accused of being unfaithful towards race or religion; to act with freedom means to be free of any form of attachments. As parent is it our inherent responsibility to enlighten our children towards their sense of complete understanding of what is justice and why they need to uphold it irregardless of who or what they feel should rule the country. The future of this nation lies in the hands of those who are able to vote in the next election and that means each and everyone of us young and old,; wake up! let us do our research and let not anything else dissuade us from this paramount responsibility.


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