Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Sacrifice - Aidil Adha -

God said to Abraham, Kill Me a Son! Abe said No! God said What, then if you see Me you better run! Abe said where you want this killing done? God said, down on Highway 61! Till this day the Muslims has been carrying God's order to sacrifice in lieu of a son all other edible creatures like cattle and goats and such.
Armed with sharp knives all the men headed for the nearest community Mosques and Suraus where the killing is done and  chipped in to get the job done.
Some say that it is gruesome to share such pictures with the general public but I say I used to be a boner and on an average day we slaughtered some one hundred cattle to turn them into hamburgers for the meat packing plants in green Bay, Wisconsin, USA. People need to see what they eat or are fed with. 
I see beauty in even the macabre or downright  hideous  as it is all a part of the whole and only the hypocrite will see otherwise.

This is a labor of love, time spent for the benefit of society as a whole, a 'Gotong Royong' as the Malays call it. It is also a religious affair where God's covenant with Man is fulfilled. Where beliefs and religious are handed down for generations to come, if not for anything else it helps for the young to not fear or abhor the slaughter of  domesticated animals for consumption.

Most of the meat are packed and delivered to the homes of the poor in and around the villages and the whole scene is looked upon as a festive occasion as the intention is such, to celebrate the Aidil Adha, the Muslim celebration of the completion of the Haj in Mecca. 
Oh ya, I told this guy i used to be a bonner for three and a half years and i carry on the palm of my left hand fourteen stitches as a memento to remind me of the vocation; say, how about using a hook instead of your hand to pick on the meat, it helps!

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