Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A stroll down the Boardwalk -Fisherman's Jetty.

What is rustic is aesthetically a beauty in its own right and it is for the mind to capture as a framed picture each and every sight through the view finder in the camera. 
Framing the picture in the mind and transfering it onto the camera  is the work of a photographer as he snaps a picture and in this all the elements of the scene is take into careful consideration at a glance...balance.
Adding  an interesting subject matter to the shot is an added bonus and helps to provide a sense of identity to the pictures. 
nd the flag still waves as a reminder of patriotism under siege.
The flag of freedom is flying in the breeze as the caged bird sings in captivity.
And further down the boardwalk the house goes slip sliding into the sea.

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