Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Renungan - Reflections 2

As my time is at hand I can only reflect and reconstruct in order to untangle the tangles, release the knots and the allow for better flow of my Chi or energy towards what I am doing at the present moment as I put my thoughts on to my blog...what do I hope to achieve? Why the need to accumulate the past and fill the present for what purpose? Sharing! Giving, Free Advice to myself the world my daughter, my sons my close ffriends and 'Followers" in my blogging.
What I am doing I call the "Art of Blogging Art.". The art of sharing a moment in time through myriads forms of expression as the humind is capable of and sharing it with the 'Whole". The Good, The Bad and The Ugly all three has their days in our lives and so before the whistle blows and the end draws near as the final breath approaches, well I do what I can...justify my life away and look at life with a smile of the Buddha.Such Is!
Before i got to blogging I kept an ongoing journal in the form of sketch books filled with photos, sketches, drawings, watercolors charcoal drawings and writings. Just like this blog and i have been doing this since 1978. My first journal was started when I visited London and Waelles on a school assignment. I am sure the journal has appeared some where in my earlier blogs. and to this date I have uploaded over 700 such similar entries  Where am I going with this? Wallah hu Alam, I dont know. All i know is it a porcess of learnig about who I am and putting it all in such a format the it is ongoing and easily accessable for the rest of my fellow dreamers throughout the world.
Before He stops my beating heart I will prepared myself for the final scream just like the 'Thornbird" as it impales itself onto the thorns of the thorn bush and letting out its wildest scream and it is dead.. and the Thornbird in all its life never sang a note till then. The preparation for meeting the moment of death or when the angel Israel stands before you, it takes a lifetime in itself. From the moment you took your first breath till this very minute as you read my writing, death stands on your left shoulder. Be aware, not beware! Death is the reminder that all is well as it should be so long as you breath and when you miss a breath or two be forewarned. 'Shorter of breath cause you to death..." as Pink Floyd wrote. So watch your breathing cause it all begins and ends right there in no matter what you do or who you are, 'Life is like a swinging door, it swings in when you breath in and swings out when you breath out...when you stop the game is over.
Bare attention. The practice of monks of the Hinayana School of Buddhism teaches the students to remove all attachments to forms and senses as one is confronted with the external phenomena. With the practice of 'Bare Attention' one removes all the urges to get sucked into an involvement with whatever the arises in our consciousness .our realm of existence- our Being.
It is said that because we think we have a self we suffer, we suffer from our self-consciousness our self pity our self loathing, self aggrandizement, self serving and so on. All this because we think we have a self and with this as a critical part of our understanding of who we are we have chosen to exist as such over thousands of years perhaps since the day we were able to think for 'Our selves". 'I think there fore I am' and we can go down another rabbit hole with that idea.
So it is said that also that the self does not exist, that what we think as who we are as a self, a separate entity on its own, does not exist. There is no souls or free spirit or one who transmigrate into the next life, does not in Reality exist. It is impossible to put your finger on what or who you are if you have no self. You find you are lost for there is not point to stand on and no references to gauge by as to how far or how near you are towards understanding who you are in All of This so call the phenomenal existence. And then you die with your mind wrapped around your faith or a belief system in order to feel being a part of 'The Whole".
But for those with the awakened mind, those who take the trouble to ask the question, who am I? Who is God? and what the Devil is going on? Is this  all there is to life? For those who seek to find out the truth for themselves they will meet up with despair and total failure for there is no answer, or they will discover an answer according to their thinking personalities.
The only thing we are disconnected is from The Lord of the Worlds, The Creator of existence Itself., call Him what you may, by whatever given to imply , The One Existing Truth, Allah, or God or  Atman-Brahman or the Tao, you have come from Him and to Him will you return, no ifs or buts. This is the mystery of mysteries, the cycle of life, death and afterlife.Surrendering one's self to the ultimate state of Being Itself is perhaps one way of subduing our small thinking mind, the ego. The Final Cut, the liberating of that which is from the attachment to an ego, a self. The Buddha is said to have uttered "I, am no more." as he passed into the Great Nirvana or Pari Nirvana.
The likes of the Buddhas, the awakened ones those who have 'Seen the Light', those whose dual thinking minds have been transcended and those who had behold the Truth in a single moment of their Way Seeking Minds, to these the approach of the end of our physical  existence on this planet or as we grow matured or older in age it is crucial to come to terms with knowing who we are. It is imperative that we die prepared and if possible with full awareness of the moment life leaves this form we call our body. In doing so we can perhaps come to an even better understanding of who or what we are in relation to all that Is for whatever it is worth. Death is the ultimate catalyst for our need to understand life, if how well we have lived really means that that will be a better afterlife for us or will we merely evaporate into oblivion ending all that is.Our physical Death is never easily brushed off even for the most bravest of souls for it still remains a question in our minds and with it our hidden fears of it. The death of the ego goes through similar process.
Then again I could be all wrong about this so do not take my words too seriously they are just for musing only. What would life be if there is no time for musings. Even the Buddhas farts and laugh every now and then!

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