Friday, June 22, 2012

From the Bird's Eye View

Although man is capable of making the most obnoxious of noises  in his daily life he is also is capable of enjoying the song of birds that he is will to take the trouble of pay the high price of acquiring the best singing bird for his listening pleasure.
The 'Merbah Jambul is one specie of singing bird that is much sought after  by  those who keep singing birds in and around their houses. Real bird enthusiast were known to have spent a good amount of their time, money and even close relationships in the quest for a good song bird. Every now and then a broken marriage is known to have taken place due to this hobby.

When your own inner dialogue cease  you can almost listen to and on going conversation between cages like two neighbors or more carrying out a gossip about something  or you might even feel like you are the topic of conversation. Remove yourself from this or take a step away and all you hear is a series of bird songs that fills the air.

Some men are proud of their wives while others are more into their song birds and that is a fact  if you ask.

Sometimes when you sit quietly you are likely to be entertained by these shrill singing voices filling the air with conversations that sounds like music.

The budjeegriger ? The fellows are the most conversant of birds when they are in a group.  You can almost read into their conversation like when it is a question and when an answer or when it is just a comment .
As you stop to smell the roses along your way do not forget to listen to our fine feathered friends for they too have a song to tell.

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