Wednesday, April 04, 2012


Today I went to the Bank to redeem 1500RM sent to me through Western Union from Dubai and answer to my silent call to the AlMighty and my son. It is a indeed a great feeling when these sort of things happens despite all the shortcomings one is faced with. It is great to see that your offspring is not totally devoid of care or conscience towards the needs of his siblings and I am most thankful to the All Mighty for the simple fact that my prayers are being heeded. It may not be today or tomorrow but sooner or later all my children will come to learn of what sharing and caring is all about in this short span of their lives.If they understand the power of giving and caring their future together I have little to worry about for they will transcend all odds collectively.Together they can move forward with better confidence and a good sense of security in numbers. Being afar from each other does not mean being separated it simply means that  the bonds of relationship is much more tighter as help is asked for and given only in times of dire need. None should feel the pangs of being alone in this world for so long as one has a sibling somewhere there is hope for the feeling of being a part of.
To become a pillar for someone to lean on in times of need is a noble virtue to have and is often passed by unnoticed by our contemporary society, but it will remain in our hearts as another stripe of valor or a spot of light one of the myriads of spots of light that will enlighten our inner being. It is the spot of light that will replace the dark spots of our ignorance and miserliness, our judgemental and apathetic mind. It is one of those ways and means of cleansing our hearts if it is done effortlessly. In this days and age more and more of us are becoming scrooges, hoarding and accumulating our wealth forgetting those in need so much so the world has become so much the poorer for it.
 More recently, the Dalai Lama has said, “If you want to help others, practice compassion. If you want to help yourself, practice compassion”.

To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.”
Mahatma Gandhi

It's rather embarrassing to have given one's entire life to pondering the human predicament and to find that in the end one has little more to say than, 'Try to be a little kinder.'
Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963).

In short, thank you my son for making my day.

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