Friday, July 29, 2011

Masjid Ubudiah -Kuala Kangsar

I had the opportuinity to visit one of the most beautiful mosque in the country which is located in Kuala Knagsar, Perak. Mosques are one of the most peaceful places for one to take a break in just as churches are to the Christians and temples to the Hindus and Buddhists.

We arrived here from Penang on our trip to Kuala Lumpur visiting various artists along the way while at it.

These were a bunch of students from a nearby school performing their Zohor solat.

The mosque is one of the oldest in the country and its beauty is enhanced by the surrounding rich flora and fauna.

Kuala Kangasr is the royal town for the state of Perak, it is a small but beautiful town.

The old man reading the Koran by the door is a classic pose and later I met him outside while he was getting ready to leave. He gave me a smile as though he knew i had taken his picture.

Hasnul taking his Wudu or ablution prior to performing his solat. It is mandatory that one cleans oneself before any prayer and this in itself has its special forms and rituals. For five times a day in order to perform the prayers one is required to take the Wudu which when closely looked at has a great significance in our daily lives especially for those living in warm countries.

The prescribed manner in which one does the Wudu covers certain areas of the body which is required to be washed or at least covered with water. In the process of doing so on a hot day ones body is cooled off and with ones feelings and emotions, its refreshing. it also helps to elevate one's sense of awareness to a higher level from that which one had prior to performing the act.

The houses of God, a Mosque, a Temple a Church a Synagogue. the Sweat Lodge, the Guruduara, by whatever name and whichever form they come in are not only places of worship but are also retreats for those who seek solace and peacefulness within. Today these retreats are becoming more and more deserted as thought there is no more need for them. Then there are those always locked up to keep the faithful or those in need out for one reason or another which in a sense is an oxymoron defeating their purpose.

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