Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Blanco Museum Re visited.

Blanco, arguably the most famous and successful artist to ever live in Bali, built his magnificent studio on top of a mountain overlooking the Campuan River. This flamboyant building, a unique blend of Balinese architecture imbued with the spirit of his native Spain, houses an interesting collection of works drawn from different periods of his long career. During his life it was visited daily by hundreds of people from all over the world. The artist, full of "Catalan charisma," earned himself the sobriquet "The Fabulous Blanco," an expression that mirrored his talent for creativity.
The museum also pays homage to nature and the unseen world of spirits and the mind, collectively known as 'Niskala'. The interior of the museum is palatial and windowless although a stunning stained glass dome roof draws in rays of natural sunlight. Ornate pillars and elaborate wrought iron circular staircases and railings provide a lavish environment for Blanco's works of art. The Renaissance Museum is stunning evidence that Blanco indulged his fantasies and created a dream world of his own. This is a theater, a world where legends are portrayed and fantasies realized.

Past the suspension bridge on the left the gallery is declared with a grandiose and curly sign, "Antonio Blanco", and underneath, The Blanco Dynasty". The one man PR machine, who dubbed himself Bali's Dali is at best eccentric and at worst pretentious. His exhibition features erotic and fantasy drawings of his Balinese muse and wife, Ni Ronji, as well as several multimedia pieces illustrating his bent sense of humour. The arrangement of works is flamboyant, if not slightly camp, with a huge easel in the middle of one room to set the scene. You might run into the bereted Blanco mincing about his parlour it'll make your day.

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