Monday, January 10, 2011

Giger's Country

Switzerland has many name brands like the Swatch, Swiss knives, Swiss cheese and the Swiss Alps, however for me none of these has a greater impact on my senses than the Swiss Artist H.R. Giger.
Morbid? Disgusting? psychosexual infantalism? Demonic? Depraved? A walk on the dark side of the human psyche? Giger is his Art and has outdone Salvador Dali and Picasso in many ways if one is allowed to compare despite the time factors.
Being genunely honest and sincere in one's expression of one's inner landscapes, the smooth and the rough terrains, the gardens and the ravines, the abyss of the human soul, this takes some doing just writng about it but to depict them in paintings and sculptures!
The Art world has hailed a New Master Conjuror, an artist whose works challenges those who strive for the title of El Maestro of the new Millenium in the art world, for me Gigers works has proven that he can claim such a title.
To some Giger's works evokes nightmares while for others it has become a cult. To stand before his work and not feel any form of reaction would be insensitive and unthinkable even for the most jaded.
I envy him, I admire his works, I am glad I got to see a few of them with my son Timo and his two good friends, Severin and Alajdin. It is through their eyesand reactions that I can fully appreciate Giger's works as they were the younger generation of would be Artists and art connosuers, theirs were a contemporary taste.
Whether it be Aliens or demonic faces of witches and whores, there is no doubt a sense of the sensuous and an inner peace free from fear of the macarbe and the unknown. Man and machines sowly merge into one another at many levels of the subconcious and concious minds fullfilling an inner urge to satisfy sexual as well as spiritual urges otherwise taboo in the ordinarily conditioned minds.
The purposeful distortions, reshaped and remoddelling of the human figure, especially female forms is sometimes done with a deeper sense of humour only the artist and those who like him has that audacity to evoke and manifest what they perceive without any sense of hypocrasy.
Have you hugged a Giger today?
The guys told me that the last witch was burned at stake somewher in the center of the city below. It is ironic that today a different kind of witch stands challenging the mountains with her metalic pointed breasts and the Warlock who created her is world famous for his creative genius.
I am not sure what that other building is, the one with the red roof. It looks mysterious and almost diabolically so.
Oh well lets not get carried away and get back to the present day reality of getting us a Pizza with lots of Anchovies.
In Sarnen the best pizza is at the Aiola Italian Restaurant at least according to the Giswil Boys.

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