Monday, May 24, 2010

Invivsible or hidden Pullutants...

While working as Health and Safety manager for three different companies at the Petronas Refinaries in Kerteh and Gebeng on the east coast of the Peninsular, one of the major source of pollution generated from the works in progress was Petroleum related byproducts such as thinners turpentine and paints and not to mention chemicals from waste products used at hospitals and factories. These are another form of invisible pollutant that cause untold damages to the water system everywhere. As they are hard to detect once released into the ground or waterways these elements contaminates every inch of ground and water system without our ability to contain them causing all kinds of damages to life forms in the environment.
It is a falacy to think that a small amount released here and there is of no consequences as these small amounts can become a great amount when tallied across the board and there is no way of measuring this other than by making sure that anyone and everyone using these materials are aware of the resposibility towards proper discard of the waste generated from the work done. All major painting works done in and around the city is to be closely monitored with regard to the medium used and the proper manner in which these mediums are made environmental friendly. No short cut and easy way out as far as cleanups and disposal of unused materials...stop pouring them onto the ground or in the closest drain as they will one way or another find their way into the rivers and the sea. This is the job of the environmental agencies as well as the city council to ensure that it does not occur and it is manageable through the the emplyoment of the health and safety Officers who should be held accountable for their sites and projects. It is the resposibility of the City Management Committee to educate the ignorant masses in the long run through the media and various other means. Start with the dealers who distributes these materials get them ivolved, committed to spread the word to their customers through phamphlets and brochures spelled in all languages. Make them accountable towards who buys and uses the most of these items in order to be able to keep a tab on proper use and disposal. Help them with a solution not imposition of laws and litigations but solutions no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. At the end of the day people will start caring when they understand what it is that they are faced with. Communicate! Educate! Persuade and Awaken their realizations, their concerns.
It is a tedious battle when looked upon with a passing glance however it is these tedious undertakings that will ensure that the larger problems are easily met with. We cannot sit on our hands and pretend things are all well while the earth and the waters arund us is slowly loosing the battle to maintain a healthy life...our life!

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