Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Bahari Family Album of 1990s

Tim Mosquida or better known as the 'Chief' among H&H Ship Services employees, in downtown San Francisco was my mentor at work. He was an honorary member of the Navajo Tribal Council for the Navajo Nation of New Mexico
and Arizona areas.
These moments in the life of the Baharis were taken while we were lving on 2nd. Ave and Balboa in the Richmond District of San Francisco. My late wife nancy was teaching at the downtown UC Berkeley Campus on Market Street. and my son had just graduated from the Berlin American High School in Berlin, Germany.

Nazri was also the Batallion Commander of the ROTC for his troup at the high school and I attended the Gradutation Ceremony in Berlin and watched my son handed over his command to his succerssor.
The chubby looking little guy who is my was and is still my pride and joy along with them, all four of them today, is my son Karim. Raising him from ababy had helped with my own healing processes from that of an angry and incorriggible and uncaring character to a half way decent father and husband. I thank God for his infinite Mercy in saving me through my son.

My daughter Marissa Estelle, was a fiesty young girl from day one who kept me and my wife on our toes for she was always up to something the moment our backs was turned. Marissa being the only girl in the family took over the seat of affection from all her brothers and is loved by all of them especially Karim who bosses her around.

There was a time in my life when i said the hell with family life and lived like a Bohemian never caring about others beyond just casual. I was a drunk and on the verge of joining the drug addictition line, but while living at the Zen Buddhist monastry at Green Gulch my life was changed not immediately but through a long process of seeing and being enlightened to the so called challenges of 'Life'. I took the Bull by the Horns and did my best to make my married life with children yet another creative adventure. I succeeded some and failed at others but all in all I am a proud father to all my four children, Nazri, Timo, Karim and Marissa Bahari.

1 comment:

Faida said...

Nice. Beautiful children. You were quite a good looking younger man then.:-)