Thursday, December 24, 2009

God is the Tester, man is tested.

Not much to moan and groan about lately except my physical state is not in good shape. Something is not right with all these aches and pains especially at the joints like the elbows, and the knees and ankles. What gives? Wind (angin)? or just wear and tear as part of the aging process, whatever it is it is painful at times and makes it almost impossible to move around and especially work at stirring the pots for my cousin's ever increasing catering orders. Another millionaire in the making, my cousin, he has found his pot of gold in the catering business. Thanks to the Bangladeshi and Vietnamese workers moonlighting to make an extra income my cousin has got his project down pegged. In the next three days there is an order to cook for 18000 total and the house is beginning to look like a warehouse for his raw materials. God bless him as he has a good heart and is fair and ever helpful in times of dire need for most anyone and I hope he stays that way.
"Every twist of thought must be understood; for all thought is reaction and any action from this can only increase confusion and conflict. "
I tried to set up some sort of Art project with my son in Dubai, like having a small studio/ gallery where i can do my work and at the same time sell artworks to dealers there or to customers who happens to stop by or start an indoor art display rental where every end of the month I will have new works on the walls of hotels or offices at a minimum fee. These works don have to be originals and can be imported from all over the world, my son and his friend who might be talked into joining the venture can accomplish this as they fly all over the world. It seems this is too far fetched as there is an Emerati boogie man that has to be fed as a silent partner. It is part of the law that one has to have local partner to set up any business in the Emerates. Another Muslim country inviting corruption into their business system before they even got off the ground, it will be a matter of time before bribery and unfair practices will creep into the market when there is money to be made for nothing. Dubai should learn from Malaysia on the art of corruption in businesses and politics. The only country known that can loose two multi-million dollars Jet engines without having to go to war, hell, without even having to take off the ground. The drug addicts are well known for selling discarded recyclable metals and carton boxes to supplement their needs, sometimes they strip electrical wires and metal fixtures from utility cable layouts, but these are drug addicts. Who would steal jet engines?!! Here is another Malaysia Boleh!!

In Malaysia no one is free of being accused of corruption not the Prime Minister nor the the guy who stops the man on the road for speeding and everything and everyone has a price and this is a Muslim country. A blessed Muslim country most would agree as there is everything anything one would need here and very few natural disasters to worry about. There are more mosques and other forms of house of worship, many elegant ones all over this country than there are hospitals and clinics or even doctors. Sadly enough most of these mosques and temples are mostly empty except for special days and events when man has to make a show before his Creator of be among the unbelievers, like on Sundays and Fridays. Otherwise most of these places are locked up for fear of the other religions, that of the drug addicts, the destitute and the homeless.
Another sad phenomena that is ever of the increase in this country is illegal abortion and the wanton inhuman discarding of foetuses found in garbage cans and storm drains. Perhaps it is happening all over the world that we don't know of but nothing is more tragic than women being subjected to having to get rid of their unborn due to one reason or another. It is as though life has no more value and the sanctity of the human spirit is so brutally shattered whenever one read of the discovery of yet another foetus among the flotsam of the Klang River two or three days ago. I feel like it is an invitation to the curse of God to be brought upon this nation all these acts of defilement's, such as rampant drug trafficking and addictions, the never ending cases of high profile corruption which often insults the lay person's intelligence, the arrogance and blatant abuse of power among politicians that is dragging the country into a quagmire of decadence...and more, we are indeed testing the AlMighty's patience and inviting His wrath which this nation has yet to taste. Na'Uzubillah!!!

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