Sunday, June 14, 2009

On Knowledge and Intelligence

" Knowledge is destructive to discovery. Knowledge is always in time, in the past; it can never bring freedom. But knowledge is necessary, to act, to think, and without action existence is not possible. But action however wise, righteous and noble will not open the door to truth. There's no path to truth; it cannot be bought through any action nor through any refinement of thought. Virtue is only order in a disordered world and there must be virtue, which is a movement of non-conflict. But none of these will open the door to that immensity. The totality of consciousness must empty itself of all its knowledge, action and virtue; not empty itself for a purpose, to gain, to realize, to become. It must remain empty though functioning in the everyday world of thought and action. Out of this emptiness, thought and action must come. But this emptiness will not open the door. There must be no door nor any attempt to reach. There must be no centre in this emptiness, for this emptiness has no measurement; it's the centre that measures, weighs, calculates. This emptiness is beyond time and space; it's beyond thought and feeling. It comes as quietly, unobtrusively, as love; it has no beginning and end. It's there unalterable and immeasurable. "


What is the India Man talking about? For those who are fammiliar with K and his way of delivering his thoughts it comes easy to understand what the hell he is talking about but for those who are alien to this mode of delivery which is typical Krishnamurti it takes some thinking and some reflection to digest what it means to be an absolute blank but like a mirror not just a blank piece of paper. Emptiness has no experiencer of being empty no observer it is just is.

In the Heart Sutra of the Mahayana Buddhism, the Buddha talked of Form and emptiness: that Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form,

The same is true of feelings, Perceptions, Impulses, Conciousness...

""The intimate of Allah is he who has bropught himself to nothingness. Only then can he see the existance of the truth. There is no will left in him to choose. There is no 'I' left other than the only existence, which is the truth...The degree of his yearning, his wish and speed of his pace ar3 in proportion to his lightness, to his having shed the weight of his worldly self. For the more one takes off the coarse clothing of this world, the more one feels the warmth of one's Creator and the closer to the surface inner being comes. Closeness to the truth is in relation to the amount of false materiality one has thrown away. In giving away one's multiple aspects one comes closer to the only truth."
Sheikh Abd al - Qadir al - jilani

"YES, PROFESSOR, KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING ARE QUITE DIFFERENT. Only understanding can lead to being, whereas knowledge is but a passing presence in it. New knowledge displaces the old and the result is, as it were, a pouring from the empty into the void. One must strive to understand; this alone can lead to our Lord God. "
G.I Gurdjief

Intelligence is not the mere capacity of design, remembrance and communication; it is more than that. One can be very informed and clever at one level of existence and quite dull at other levels. There knowledge, however deep and wide, does not necessarily indicate intelligence. Capacity is not intelligence. Intelligence is sensitive awareness of the totality of life; life with its problems, contradictions, miseries, joys. To be aware of all this, without choice and without being caught by any one of its issues and to flow with the whole of life is intelligence. This intelligence is not the result of influence and environment; it is not the prisoner of either of them and so can understand them and thus be free of them. Consciousness is limited, open or hidden, and its activity, however alert, is confined within the borders of time; intellgence is not. Sensitive awareness, without choice, of the totality of life is intelligence. This intelligence cannot be used for gain and profit, personal or collective. This intelligence is destruction and so the form has no significance and reform then becomes a retrogression. Without destruction all change is modified continuity. Psychological destruction of all that has been, not mere outward change, that is the essence of intelligence. Without this intelligence every action leads to misery and confusion. Sorrow is the denial of this intelligence. Ignorance is not the lack of knowledge but of self-knowing; without self-knowing there is no intelligence. Self-knowing is not accumulative as knowledge; learning is from moment to moment. It is not an additive process; in the process of gathering, adding, a centre is formed, a centre of knowledge, of experience. In this process, positive or negative, there is no understanding, for as long as there is an intention of gathering or resisting, the movement of thought and feeling are not understood, there is no self-knowing. Without self-knowing there's no intelligence. Self-knowing is active present, not a judgment; all self-judgment implies an accumulation, evaluation from a centre of experience and knowledge. It is this past that prevents the understanding of the active present. In the pursuit of self-knowing there is intelligence. "

Jesus (AS) said,
"Man has to be born twice to reach the realms of the angels, like the birds who are born twice,' It is the birth of the meaning from the act, the birth of the spirit from the flesh. That possibility is in man. That is the mystery, the secret of man. It is born of the intercourse of man's knowledge of the religion and man's awareness of the truth, as all children are born of the union of two drops of water."

It takes a whole load of knowledge and intelligence to understand fully what Krishnamurti is babbling about in the quotation above, it is not for the weak minded and the mentally lazy individual. Intelligence is the end of knowledge and accumulataive knowledge leads to intelligence'and wisdom is the gift of the Divine.

" ...All of the material univers are but a drop in comparisson to the sea of spiritual world. It is only when all this is understood that the spiritual power and light of the mysteries of divine nature, the real truth, emanate into the world without words and without sound."
Sheikh al -Qadir al- jilani

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