Sunday, November 23, 2008

Such Is Life...

I received two comments in my blog from an anonimous who knows my character alot better than myself and has finally got the guts to point my life's faillings and my corrupted and less than amiable nature. Alhamdullilah, I say to this person and may the AlMighty shower all all the blessing upon him or her truthfulness and sicereity. Anonimity is a sign of a coward however and will always remain so right or wrong their opinions may be there is no way one can ascertain the truth as the source of such a character can never be identified. The comment was made on my blogs that was when I was at the height of my happiness to be able to do what I love to do most in this life. It is as though I needed to be torn down and drag through the mud as I was having a great time of my life. It was written in Bahasa Malaysia and so very hard for those who cannot understand to answer or comment but it is a great beginning. Now the worms are creeping out of the can and the skelitons are crawling out of the closset. Don't try to dance with the devil after you think you know who he is, he has nothing to loose, nothing to hide for you have already condemned him! If you choose to be my judge, jury and executioner reflect carefully at what or who you are dealing with and I can sue for defamation of chractor in the court of law for that matter. I refuse to reply this comment in the language it was written as my Bahasa Malaysia can never express my feelings adequately enough!
I fully accept all the critcisms pointed at me by this caring person and plead guilty as charged on all counts! But I swear by the AlMighty that no man or woman is going to rain on my parade and I offer no apologies for my past. If this person is my relative seeing that my wife confided in him/her behind my back and knows how I raised my children so well then be a man or woman enough to confront me face to face whenever we meet! Condemimg a man at my age so aggresively on the internet and hiding behind anonimity is like throwing a stone at the man and hiding the fingers. Let me have my side of the story told as I have been doing now. Life's a bitch , I learned this and then some! At my age it does not make anymore difference what anyone do or think about me and I have have always maitained that if you cannot help me than don't stand in my way is all I ask. And take a careful look at the finger that is pointing is it all that clean and perfect in the eye of the Maker?? Now that you have jerked yourself off on my blog I hope you have found your satisfaction and find peace with it. Enough said!!
P/s Thanks for taking the time and trouble to read my blog.

Took a ride with Pa'Agus the hotel driver on his motorcycle into the heart of Jogya and visited the Idependance Museum where there was a gathering of bicycle riders from all over the Java Provinces with some having rode for days and weeks to arrive here. The unique thing about this gathering of cyclists was that they all rode on antique bikes. Some of these bicycles were priced at thousands of Dollars! The crowd was alive, singing and dancing entertained by live music to the rythm of Javanese music which I found was ass kickingly exillerating and uplifting.
The museum had a historical collection of the fight for independance displays relating the various stages that Indonesians struggled for their freedom from the Dutch and later from the Japanese. The first president of the country wrote an epitaph on the wall congratulating the people og Jogjya for their extraordinary contribution in the move towards achieving independance for Indonesia. I did not realized how badly the Dutch attempted to repossess Indonesia after the Japanese had left.
My friend Tony Penny in Solo called to find out if I needed any help and how I was doing , I love this burly Englishman! God bless his heart! If i can afford it I will make a trip there to say farewell to this newfound friend. 'Mind your manners Sam, it cost nothing but will take you along way". his famous last words to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog and wish I could experience it too! I'm not that talented but I usually just appreciate art, I love seeing new places and meeting interesting people.

I don't think that the anonymous should write something like that to you here in this blog, because if he/ she is ikhlas enough then there are other better ways to do that.

Shamsul, be happy! God bless you.