Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Only a Buddha Knows a Buddha

My Solo Exhibition was officiated by

Sometimes you meet someone who out of the blue seems to know you and all your aspirations, your trials and tribulations, what your goals are and where you are at at the moment in your life. It is like he has read you and with great intuitive perception can picture where you are headed for. One such person walked into the gallery yesterday and confronted me, I call him Mr. Saw. He works as a Remiser for an Investement Bank here in Penang in his thireties or early forties, speaks perfect English and very highly knowledgeable. Among other things that he pointed out to me about myself was the fact i have arrived at a point in my life where my artistic abilities is ready to explode, it is all a matter of time he said and I do need to get my enrgies together as i seemed abit low in that respect and so he suggested making me a Chinese tea that would help to get my Chi up. He also advised me to not be too bothere anymore with the lesser things in life such as worrying too much about what is obvious or clammering after hugher educational degress but just to do IT.

All these seem simple and straight forward now that i am relating it but when in actuality my meeting Mr. Saw was a blessing for it was like a Buddha meeting a Buddha and Dharma transmission took place at a certain level most probably only a practicing Zen student would undrstand and apprecite the significance. There things in life that is hard to put into words and if need b alot of its authenticity is wasted in the process. Suffice to say for me just recording it down in this manner will help me to just be able to remember the event in my later days. Moments like these reminds me of my reading G.I.Guirdjief's 'Meeting of Great Minds' where the traveller, seeker is stumbles upon a stranger and learns from him or her all that he has been asking and looking for with a few tips on where he is headed or how he should proceed from then on if he were to still continue his journey towards his ultimate goal.

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