Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Golden Rule

I was moved by the final chapter of the great works of Napoleon Hill, The Law of Success. Do unto others as you would them done unto you, the Golden Rule, of the ancients' of Confucius, The Buddha, Christ and the Prophet (of Allah) those whose ideas about life comes down bascially to this short statement of the Golden Rule. As I read what Hill expounded in his book my thoughts became further awakened with enlightenment over the many truths that had eluded me in the past and some of which had been the cause of my failures or dispointment. It is a simple truth and its simplicity is what had made me complacent over the depth of its meaning and the gravity of its consequences toward my daily actions as well as my long term search for the meaning of my very own existance.
Although the Book was primarily aimed at those seeking to become materially well off such as a successful businessman or a well sought after lawyer and so forth, for me it touched more deeply into my understanding of the workings of my spitiutal self and how it controlls or is controlled by the externals. My ups and downs my rights and wrongs they suddenly are beginning to make sense. It is like yet another major piece of a jig saw puzzle has fallen into place and one is beginning to see the whole picture. In my life I have been the cause of alot of pain and suffering for others my loved ones as well as those whose life mine had touched in one form or another, in the Buddhist sense I had created alot of bad karma and as such have a big time karmic debt to pay. Do unto others! Yes I am not proud of alot of wrong turns I had taken to get to where I had wanted to and often enough I never even slowed down to regret these negative actions especially when it affected others in my life. But I can afford change while I still have the time and state of mind to do it before the final curtain calls and this is the journey I had taken, the journey towards the Lord of Truth through complete right understanding of who I am and where my journey ends.
I cannot apolgize to all that I have offended, taken advantage of or used in one way or another but I can undo myself, unllearn all my negative lessons and right all the wrongs of my thinking mind. This is my work on myself through reading, through my creative exprtessions through writing all my thoughts down through giving the best I can afford to raise my children and through eventually my services to society as a whole if and when I have attained to right to do so without any more doubts and fears.

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