Friday, September 21, 2007


Its here the month of Ramadan, fasting and observing the strict moral codes of a good Muslim, performing the whole act of total submission in the form of Taqwa towards the Al- MIghty (AST). It is going on a week exactly and I am not doing as well as I should so far but i have been observing the fasting as far as eating and drinking is concern but when it comes to the rest of my senses I am still under the sway of the Al-Mighty Shaitan! God I need a Woman in my life to even things out! It has been more than fifteen years now since I tasted sex believe it or not, and I have not even taken any vows of celibacy!!

I went to have a talk with the person in charge of the foreign student admissions at the Education Department here and was not surprised by the banal and almost to the point arrogant treament i was given by the man in charge. His name was given to me by my son's school teacher who handled the issue, it is Ibrahim Yaacob, I am writing it down so I do not forget this character for future refrence. He told mewith a smirk on his face, that there was no way he could waive the fees for my children as it is the law. However there is a way he said. I could go to the school principal and ask the school to pay for my children as they have allocated funds to take care of these matters. If it had not been the fact that I was fasting and was in no mood making a dickhead of myself I would have told the jerk off a thing or two. Being tired and fasting I walked out of his office less then happy a fellopw Malay, Muslim Arsewhole of a bureaucrate playing me the ping pong game of go back and ask the China man to pay for it, I am becoming the pawn in their interdepartmental feud. The good old racial ping pong match on who has the authority or who can outsmart who in this matter.
Today my trip to the principal's office accompanied by the same teacher who sent me to the Education Department was quite enlightening. Also present was an Indian lady teacher who has my son in one of her classes and the four of us includiong the Principal a Mr. Khor had it out for some time. Mostly i was given the spill about my responsibility as a father and the fact that God would want me to settle my debts and how dissappointed he was in the the fact students defaulted their loans and how I should move pout of Penang area if I cannot afford the life style and so on.
When he was done I told him that the answer is no! He or the school is not going the help and thats all i wanted to know so i can go back and tell the other guy at the Education Department. The Principal was caught offgaurd and a reiterated the facted he has offered to look into the possibility of helping me and on and on he went again. In essence everyone of these bureaucrats are looking into laying it thick on you when they thing they got you and when they dont they look to covering their arse.
I told him that it is not that i dont have the money right from the start it is the fact that why should i pay foreign student fees for my two children when i am a Malaysian! Is this what it means to be independant for 50 years? A man has no right any more that an immigrant worker in his own country and on the other hand the government that he voted for is bragging about how it is helping the people in educational costs!! Read the news papers!
I told the principal that if my children were deprived of their education or they are out of school the government can deport them to the US and if and when that happens I will end up in the court of law along with the rest of the Government agencies and the characters like himself to testify over the issues and offcourse i will make it happen through the help of the opposition leaders who would be a little more sypathetic towrds my years of agonizing life here in dealing with the so called System of which He the Pincipal is one of them. LIke a the string of well intentioned people who had been offering me advices over the predicament I have with my children's citizenship issue, Mr Khor asked me to look up a datuk or someone influential in the government to intervene for me, the last sympathetic note that I have gotten from just about everyone.
Ironnically the word Datuk in Malay can mean a title given to someone by a ruler for his or her contributions towards society or it can also be used when one speak of a Bomoh or faith or spitiual healer. The Chinese uses it more commonly when the speak of this or that datuk who has strong powers in healing or giving accurate four digit numbers. Later today I will be going to visit a datuk of the later kind the Bomoh with one of my cousins here. This man claims that he can heal my wife despite the distance from here and Illinois in the USA. I beleive in Miracles and who knows in the month of Ramadan where all is possible with the AlMIghty, the datuk can deliver what he claims even if it is to the tune RM 500 for the effort.
After all it is the Month of Ramadan!!!

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