Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Great teachers and friends- Penang

Here in Penang where i was born and raised in my childhood I had the privillage of having a few great individuals in my life, those who affested me one way or another through making their acquaintances. One such individual was my auntie who was the midwife and about whom I might have dealt with earlier on. It was from her that I learned about being charitable toward all those in need and serving those who need to be srved. I learned about patience and knowing when to take crap and when to hand it out. In her the saying that one person can make a difference bacme a reality for me in the ways she had served this community. I am proud to have been and indeed privillaged to have been a part of her life growing up, those years that mattered most. An incident that touched me most about my auntie was when I saw her giving away the 'pengkeras' or the payment for her services as a midwife. Usually it was in the form of some rice and a piece of damar a, a lime and a piece of new sarong.

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